Media Traffic Meltdown :: Server Crushing Traffic Tactics
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Media Traffic Meltdown :: Server Crushing Traffic Tactics is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
Forget about
PPC, Google, Yahoo, MSN, SEO, and CPV. You"re about to discover how to make enormous income online with massive loads of server crushing traffic starting TODAY!
Here"s Just 1 Site Using These Server Crushing Traffic Tactics Without PPC, Google, Yahoo, MSN, SEO, or CPV. It"s Easy... It"s fast... And It Creates Insane Amounts Of Cash Sales:
And Perhaps The Best Part - You Can Bring Massive Windfalls Of Traffic And Cash Sales With Less Than 30 Minutes A Day And You Don"t Need A Product, A List, A Website, JV Buddies Or Any Previous Experience Whatsoever!
These Tactics Are SOOO Powerful And Fast That They Get Us More Traffic And Make UsMore Money In A Single Month Than We Used To Make In Years (yes, years plural!)
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Soren Jordansen, Cindy Battye & JP SchoeffelRE: Massive Immediate Traffic & Profits
there is one very real, very simple system for creating unstoppable streams of website traffic and making life changing income online. In fact, once you finish this letter, your life will be changed for good.
What we"re about to share with you is the real deal. It"s a hyper-potent system that when used correctly will bring in wave after wave after wave of targeted website visitors - and of course - fast incredible cash sales.
If you want to make money online... or make more money online... then we can tell you from firsthand experience, this system is designed for YOU.And the beauty is that even if you have never gotten a single website visitor before... even if you have never made a cent online before... with just 30 minutes a day you could be making more money next week than you made all of last year.
Yes, this is THAT powerful.Imagine flipping a switch and IMMEDIATLEY unleashing tens of thousands - even hundreds of thousands of visitors to YOUR website - and then imagine if only 1% of those visitors bought what you were selling.
And that"s only 10,000 visitors with a low conversion rate and a low price point. We"re about to show you how to do a LOT more, every single day!
And nobody is talking about this... only an elite group of super affiliates even know about this right now. In fact, we probably never would have known about this ourselves if we hadn"t been forced into it.
Yep - we were FORCED to completely change our business - just about one year ago today...
We Got A **Shocking** Email From Google In Which They Basically Told Us To Screw Off And That They Didn"t Want Our Business Ever Again!
This is the actual email that changed the way we do business - and looking back at it now - it"s the BEST email we"ve ever received. Hell we eventually printed and framed this thing!
I"ll explain why in a second...
One day last year I woke up feeling great - had plenty of sleep - the sun was shining and there a pleasantly cool crisp feel to the morning. I"m a bit of an oddball and love Fall weather.
So, I popped out of bed and grabbed my morning cup of Starbucks Breakfast Blend coffee with a splash of creamer.
It was going to be a good day.
Once I got to my desk and I fired up my PC to check my emails - my attitude changed very quickly. You see, as I scanned the subject lines in my inbox to check for important emails...
The one that stood out to me read like this - "Your Google AdWords Account Has Been Disabled".
My Heart Sank As I Thought About What Was Going To Happen To My Business With No Website Traffic - "Cuz No Traffic Means No Money!
Honestly... looking back at it now...
I probably stared at that damn email from Google for like 3 hours -- dumbfounded, shocked, and wondering what the hell I was gonna do now.
I had cracked the code I was kicking some serious ass and making SERIOUS money.
And why was I was banned? Well, like tens of thousands of other people, I was an affiliate and they didn"t like my landing pages promoting other people"s offers.
No "fix this and you can use AdWords again"...
Just a cold, calculating, arbitrary and anonymous Google email that banned me from AdWords for life.
Well, between you and me, the very first thing I did was panic.
So, after my initial shock wore off I started searching desperately for a steady traffic system to replace my PPC
income that had just evaporated overnight - and I do mean OVERNIGHT.
The Next 8 Months Helped Me To Realize That I Had Been Using AdWords Because All The Other Commonly Used Traffic Methods Really Suck!
For 8 LONG, grueling, painful months after that email from Google I tried all the commonly used traffic methods to see if I could recapture and reclaim the success I was having...
First I tried SEO. For about 4 months I
dug in the trenches, rolled my sleeves up, and got down and dirty - I actually managed to get ranked for a few of my "money" keywords.
You might think I was happy -- well, I mighta been - except, even though I had some rank, the traffic trickled in slowly, and never got to
the point where I could build a self-sufficient profit funnel from it.
And... I noticed that every now and then my listings would just "disappear" altogether out of the blue... while a certain Search Engine Behemoth "retooled" their algorithms or "updated" their data centers.
Ultimately, this was a bust for me. Moving on, I tried the other big PPC networks, thinking that maybe my AdWords success would "port" right on over... and maybe I should have tried that first.
Wrong! I could never match the level of traffic I got with AdWords and I couldn"t deal with waiting days - weeks even -- for ads to get approved.
PPV became a piping hot topic online (you may remember when everyone and their mother began talking about how awesome it is) so I figured, "there has to be something to this"... and there was... it was great for testing conversions and great for getting fast impressions. It just wasn"t great for getting me profits :(
Ultimately (after trying a few other common methods) I went where I NEVER thought I would go.
I tried my hand at
article marketing and I got to the point where I was not only writing hundreds of
articles, but I was also outsourcing hundreds more per month.
While this wasn"t a complete waste of time, I was spending an insane amount of effort to get these articles written and my income was just under what I
would make if I was at a minimum wage 9 to 5 job!
Have You Tried These Exasperating, Frustrating, Mind Numbing, And Wallet Draining Traffic Methods Too?
In that time after I got banned by Google - I tried it all - SEO, MSN, Yahoo, CPV, Article Marketing, Bookmarking, Blogging, Backlinking, and on and on and on - every commonly used traffic method, tactic, and supposed secret sauce for traffic.
I didn"t accomplish anything other than feeling burnt out and wondering whether I really was cut out for all of this.
These commonly used traffic methods were either too time consuming, too complex, or just plain didn"t work for me. And if I COULD get them to work, the money I made was next to nothing.
But... I had once been getting huge traffic and making huge money when I was using AdWords... I knew OTHER people were making a ton online... so I KNEW it could be done!
In fact, once you know what I know now, you"ll be able to send unstoppable waves of crazy targeted traffic anytime, all the time, and you"ll be blown away by the sheer volume of cash sales you create.
Traffic and cash sales like this...
So let me ask you a question...
What would YOU do with traffic like that? What if you could get even 1% of that traffic to buy what you"re selling...
And what if you could just punch a couple of keys on your keyboard, click your mouse a few times, and WHAMMMM - a massive and INSTANT flood of traffic to any site you choose?!?
Could that change things for you? Would that give you the kind of lifestyle you desire - that you DESERVE?
You see, the information I"m about to reveal to you can DRASTICALLY transform your life, your lifestyle, and your financial well being, finally putting YOU in charge of how much money you make every day!
If The Popular Traffic Methods That Everybody"sTeaching Don"t Work, Then What Can You Do???
The fact that you"re reading this page at all proves that you understand that website traffic is CRITICAL to any online success you WILL have.
Bottom line - you need a lot of traffic every day to make a consistent income online. Before we share what you CAN do, let us explain what you never have to do again!
Forget all the wasted money...
Forget all the wasted time...
Forget killing yourself for scraps of traffic and small earnings...
And start sending unstoppable floods of highly targeted, extremely interested (wallet in hand) traffic that is searching for what you"re selling...
And it"s so easy, you"ll kick yourself for not having started this sooner.
You can do it in less than 30 minutes a day, make more money than you have ever made before in your life, and spend the rest of your days doing whatever it is that pleases you.
That"s right - you"re about to embark on something so life changing - so transforming - your traffic and income can explode overnight.
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A Fortune 500 Bigwig Exposed Me To A Dirty Little Secret Which Changed My Life... And Will Drastically Change YOURS Too!
Right around my weakest time... right around the time I thought I might toss in the towel and go back to corporate life, an old friend of mine named Jim dropped me an email that he was gonna be in town for a couple days.
He wanted to know if I could grab lunch and I thought, "Well, if I am gonna go back to a 9-5, who better to help me get back to "work"..."
So, we did meet up at a local place a few days after that email message. I was genuinely happy to see him and it was good to be out and away from my computer for a while.
Being that Jim is an Advertising Executive (for a company that generates more revenue in a day than most people make in decades) of course our conversation veered towards "Internet talk".
And it took less than 5 minutes for Google to come into the convo...
At first we were basically laughing at how easy it used to be to profit from AdWords/PPC... but then I began to share what had happened to me... and how life shattering it had been to lose my AdWords account.
My website traffic... my sales... my income... my entire life had come to a screeching halt.
And then I am ashamed to admin - I broke down - I admitted defeat to my old friend and told him I was gonna be putting together the resume and try to get back in the industry for a normal 9-5.
He Looked Like He Wanted To Slap Me In The Face Right There In Public For Giving Up And Talking About Going Back To Work A 9-5!
Jim wasn"t sympathetic at all - not like I thought he would be - I dunno. I guess I thought he was gonna tell me, "everything will be ok!"
Instead, he looked angry with me.... he looked like he wanted to slap me.
He told me (quite bluntly) that I was insane for EVER considering going back to a 9-5. "Listen", he said, "you have the life everybody dreams of, including me... you wake up when you want to... you work when and WHERE you want too... you have the IDEAL!"
"Why would you ever give up on that?"
After hearing him put it that way, I realized I had been acting like a martyr... I had been ungrateful for the opportunities that I had in my life. In fact, I was so busy feeling crappy about my life, I had totally ignored the fact that Jim personally manages millions of dollars in ad spending every year for his company.
Instead of getting caught up in how bad things had been - I SHOULD have been bugging Jim for insider info on what he was doing for his company.
Well, I wasn"t going to be a martyr...
I wasn"t going to ignore opportunities...
I WAS going to rebuild my business, bigger, better, and more profitable than ever before. And I was going to ask Jim for help!
Big Companies Only Use Google For Branding Because Google Only Owns 6% Of All Internet Traffic. Big Companies Get Their Traffic From The 94% - Because That"s Where The Real Traffic Really Is!
As you might guess, once it dawned on me that Jim was a resource I should have tapped into long ago - he had the traffic buying experience, the traffic testing experience, and millions of dollars worth of ad spend data to know what works and what doesn"t...
... well, once that dawned on me... I hit him up for every bit of information I could... I mean I grilled him and sucked up every tiny morsel of traffic information I could get out of him.
You might be surprised (I was) to know that his company very rarely even used
Google AdWords to advertise -or any other PPC network for that matter...
A company with millions of dollars in their ad
budget didn"t even bother with PPC campaigns on networks like Google Adwords... all because the return simply is not there for them.
He went on to reveal that it was more than that though... click costs was just one reason they didn"t use PPC for their advertising.
You see - Google was too small for them.
"Small!", I said... "how the hell can this multi-billion dollar company that seems to be buying everybody ever be considered small?"
"Small"... he replied... "because Google only has 6% of all Internet traffic. The REAL traffic is in the other 94%!"
I had been looking at website
traffic completely WRONG!
I was thinking too small...
Yes, in our industry we are "brainwashed" early on to believe that Google is the definition of traffic. But the reality is, they only own a small percentage of all the traffic that exists:
You"ll notice that there has been growth from 1% of all Internet traffic to 6% of all Internet traffic since 2007 - that actually is mostly attributed to the purchase of YouTube.
And even with that - there"s still 94% of Internet traffic out there that we"ve been brainwashed to ignore!
If Google Has As Much Traffic As They Do And They Account For Only 6% Of ALL Internet Traffic, Then Why Aren"t You Getting The Traffic You Need Today?
So if there is all this traffic everyone is talking about in Google - and Google only makes up a small fraction of the total traffic online... why aren"t you getting YOUR share of traffic online?
I"m gonna be super blunt here so buckle up.
You"re not getting the traffic you want because, if you"re like most, you"re still struggling with the old outdated methods that haven"t worked for years.
Or, you"re sweating it out, busting your ass trying to get article marketing or SEO to work, backlinking, blogging, and everything you can muster just to get a trickle of traffic for all your efforts.
So, as you may have already guessed, this is all a big fast waste of your time, and will take FOREVER to generate results - assuming they ever do get you the results you want.
How many times have you set up a new site, tried all the methods they have been teaching you, and found yourself refreshing your stats over and over and over again (every day) only to grow more and more disappointed each day.
This is a vicious cycle that 95% of all internet marketers enter into...
... of course, most marketers still keep trying to do these things - crossing their fingers... praying... HOPING that maybe, "this time it will work"!
They grow frustrated, tired, worn out - and on the verge of just giving up hope all together when it never works for them.
So hear this - loud and clear. That"s over for you now...
Now, with a few quick punches of some keys on your keyboard... and a few quick clicks of your mouse, you could unleash a Tidal Wave of buying traffic that demands what you"re selling or promoting.
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You see, we"re about to expose you to a brave new world of traffic... easy traffic... LOTS of traffic... traffic that wants what you"re selling, and has the money to buy it - buy it right NOW.
What"s more... you can literally "shock your servers" with massive loads of traffic with a mere flip of the "on switch".
This new world of traffic is referred to in the corporate world of Advertising as Media Buying. And it"s what my old friend Jim taught me that changed my life - and can now change yours.
This is unlike any advertising medium you"ve ever seen
before, creating waves of traffic at will. Traffic like this:
Now, while media buying isn"t talked about much in Internet marketing circles because nobody knows this stuff right now (giving you first mover"s advantage).
The fact is - media buying as a traffic model is really not all that new...
After all, media companies have been
doing it for years and years with newspapers, television, radio, and now the
But for some reason it"s never caught on with Internet
marketers - probably because most marketers hear things like "get your insertion orders approved" and they think this stuff has got to be hard.
When it"s NOT hard - in fact, you"ll see just how easy this is...
Unfortunately, most of us have boxed
ourselves into all the familiar pay per click traffic, SEO, article writing, blogging, bookmarking, backlinking, etc models that just don"t work, cost too much, or take an exhaustive amount of time...
The fact is - media buying is simpler than ANY of these - and the results are ASTOUNDING.
For me, my success with media buying began when I took the list of
companies that Jim gave me at lunch that day - and began researching them the second I got home. As I poured into this new world...
... I knew I had to tap
into the power of media buying - and I needed to do it right NOW.
After signing up with a few of those companies Jim told me about (and that I had never heard of before that day), I went ahead
and set up my first banner ad campaign, which took a total of about 30 minutes.
All that was required was that I login and put a little check in the box next to
categories and sites that I thought matched my targeted demographic, clicked a button to activate my campaign - and I was done.
I had some errands to run so I popped out for the rest of the evening and was out until late that night. Since I got home late I forgot about the campaign entirely and went right to bed.
The next day I woke up to an email from Jim asking how I made out with the
companies he referred, and I hadn"t even checked them yet. So, of course I had to see what happened and I logged into my affiliate account.
When I saw my stats I literally almost passed out!
I was in
total disbelief!!!
I knew I had FINALLY found what I had been looking for.
And I was about to milk media buying for every ounce of traffic - and for all the money I could!
Over the next couple months I tested, tracked, tweaked, and PERFECTED the methods that Jim had shared with me.
What I ended up with - was a foolproof traffic system that works time and time again.
Forget What You"ve Been Taught, Open Yourself Up To REAL Traffic, And Watch Your Online Business Explode!
The old methods - all the ones you"ve been taught - forget about them.
They cost too much, require too much of your valuable time, and they rarely work. When they do work, the results are minimal at best.
Why spend your hard earned money and waste all your time fighting over scraps of traffic and tiny returns?
When with just 30 minutes of effort (pushing a few buttons) you could unleash enormous waves of targeted traffic to any site you please, every single day...
This revolutionary traffic system cannot be found anywhere else - nobody else in our industry even knows about this yet - and it"s engineered from the ground up to literally transform your life:
“Media Traffic Meltdown” System ...
Media Traffic Meltdown
Media Traffic Meltdown is a one-of-a-kind "watch over my
shoulder" media buying home study course designed to crush your servers with BUYING traffic.
It"s been constructed in step-by-step easy to follow video
format where I"ll walk you through getting set up and running your first
profitable media buying campaign.
I"ll hand you ALL the tools and tactics you need to finally
let go of Google, and build an insanely profitable business based on an endless and unstoppable
traffic stream.
Here’s just a taste of what you learn inside of this info packed video
Once you know how to control traffic you can writeyour own checks - it is that simple!
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You"re getting instant access to this powerful step by step system that will allow you to generate more cash sucking website traffic than you ever imagined possible.
And you can do it all from home, with less than just 30 minutes per day of effort.
You"re going to be blown away by how easy this system is to follow, implement, and cash in on, once you get started.
Finally, get as much traffic as you want, anytime you want, without killing yourself or being bound to your PC all day -- and without wasting your hard earned money on methods that don"t get results.
Finally watch your accounts Explode with cash sales.
Now - we think it"s plain to see that Media Traffic Meltdown can impact your life
in a way that nothing else can, but you don"t just have to take our word for it...
what these **VERY** happy customers have to say about the “Media Traffic Meltdown”
"Run, don"t walk, this is the
"BIG BREAKTHROUGH"you"ve been waiting for all this time!"
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"I"d Say I"m Impressed, But That Would BeA Massive Understatement!"
Somehow you"ve managed to cover absolutely everything, from the high
level, super high traffic stuff that full time pro marketers like myself
need to know, right down to the "keep it simple system" for beginners
needing to start making a buck right now, AND everything in between...
Every other Media Traffic "course" I"ve seen has massive wholes in what
you need to know, yours is the total opposite, you"ve missed nothing out...
I"d say I"m impressed, but that would be a massive understatement!
Thanks once again,
Matt Garrett
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"This Is BIG, Get Your Copy Right Now & Enjoy The Endless
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Smart Marketers With A Desire For REAL Traffic And Real Income Will See This For The Incredible First Movers Advantage That It Is...
There is life
outside of Google... and it"s as good as life gets. I know from firsthand experience.
When Google closed down my AdWords account I was scared. I was lost - and I thought my Internet business was over.
The methods in Media Traffic Meltdown have helped me to realize that the email I got from Google that fateful day...
... well it was the best thing that has EVER happened to me!
We are witnessing an advertising explosion online like we"ve
never seen before. Media buying is positioned to be the new wave of online
There are networks out there generating billions (that"s BILLIONS) of
impressions per month - networks that we"ll show you how to quickly siphon for traffic to YOUR sites.
After you begin applying the methods in Media Traffic Meltdown you"ll never have to worry about how to get traffic or making money online ever again.
Everything you need is right here for you in a simple step-by-step format that even someone with Zero previous experience could follow to unimaginable success.
Get Instant Access To Media Traffic Meltdown ForOver 81% Off - Only Available For A Limited Time:
Now, they don"t contain a fraction of the Internet traffic tactics we"re revealing here for you in Media Traffic Meltdown. This potent program has been designed exclusively for you - and for YOUR business.
Plus, with all the traffic out there (billions of impressions daily), you and I will likely never cross paths - we"ll never be competition - so, there is no need to worry about fighting for scraps.
Finally you"ll get the best traffic - and you"ll get it anytime you want.
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Plus - Don"t Forget About Our 60
DayIron-clad 100% Money Back Guarantee
That"s right, if you"re not making an insane amount of money
within the first 60 days, we"ll refund every single penny with absolutely no
hassles and no strings attached...
These very same tactics have provided us, a few close friends, and a few select clients the ability to earn life-changing incomes
and we"re 100% confident they will do the same for you.
This is why we"re prepared to offer
you a risk-free, 60 day moneyback guarantee.
Access the training right now and start
applying some of the tactics. Keep track of what happens and see how well
it works.
Since this system is designed to be foolproof, we know you"ll never ever want to let go of this course and you"ll be blown away by the results.
But... if you"re unsatisfied for any reason or if you just don"t make any
money (highly unlikely) then just let us know and we"ll make sure that you get
an immediate refund no questions asked!
Haven"t you struggled enough?
If you"re tired of the frustration... if you"re exhausted by the time you"ve put into you Internet business and have little, if any profit to show for it.
If you"re ready for an unlimited amount of traffic (traffic that buys) and you"re prepared for life changing income, then you"re ready for Media Traffic Meltdown.
It"s your turn for success. We"ve laid out a complete roadmap of everything you need to do to begin driving amazing amounts of traffic as soon as this afternoon.
We"ve handed you all the incredible tactics you need in order to begin generating incredible cash sales TODAY.
So What"s It Going To Be?
Yes, Guys... I want instant access to
your Media Traffic Meltdown Video Course!
I want access right now
before the price goes up!
I also realize that I have absolutely nothing to lose since
your generous enough to offer me a 60 day no questions asked, no hassle,
money back guarantee.
Listen... We"re not going to beat around the bush here... this
should be one of the easiest decisions you"ve ever had to make for your
business. There is absolutely no way for you to lose.
This is the one and only profit system that can help you
achieve any income goal you have.
You deserve the success that Media Traffic Meltdown can help you achieve and don"t let anyone tell you otherwise - success is yours for the taking.
But we can only help so much... We can help by making this available to you.
You DO need to do something.
If you want that success and financial freedom you deserve - if you want it quickly - then you NEED to take the next step.
You need to take action today, right now, while you CAN.
Will you keep repeating the same things over and over again with no success to speak of?
Or will you take action on a proven system with this once in a lifetime chance to drastically change your life for the better - and begin getting massive hordes of traffic and cash sales?
Soren Jordansen, Cindy Battye & JP Schoeffel
P.P.S. - Don"t forget that I"m giving you a full
60 days risk-free to evaluate the system for yourself. It"s as straightforward
as it gets, if you"ve not made an insane return on your investment
simply let us know and we"ll make sure to get every red cent of your money back.
Secure you copy now!
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Media Traffic Meltdown :: Server Crushing Traffic Tactics is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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