Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Health Club Marketing is As Easy As Thanking Your Members!


Thank you notes, as part of your overall health club marketing strategy, are easily one of the best ways to get prospects to come to you. Nearly all of your competitors are missing this incredibly simple, yet rarely used form of health club marketing. Write thank you notes to guests, new members, old members, associates, and employees.

For every person who tours your facility, follow up with a thank you note. Whether they join or not, they should receive a thank you note in their mailbox or email box within 48 hours. Obviously, this emphasizes the importance of collecting addresses and email addresses on a guest register. An example of a guest thank you letter would be, "It was great meeting with you today. I sincerely hope you will consider becoming a member. I know you"ll love it here! When you"re ready, just drop in or call me at 555-555-5555."

Even those people you feel won"t be returning and feel it may be a waste of time, you will be nicely surprised by the number of those people who will respond positively to a thank you note. I know this is hard to do, but it is very important. They"ll be researching other fitness competitors in the area as well and will probably need a couple of days to compare before deciding. How many thank you notes do you think they will receive during those days of considering? Only one...Yours! Send the thank you note right after the presentation is finished, preferably on the same day. Let the note include only your thanks. Do not try to resell them in the thank you note. Assure them that you are there if needed and include your contact number and email address.

All of your new members should also receive a thank you note immediately after signing up as part of your health club marketing strategy. Your note to new members can say, "Thank you for becoming a member! Do not hesitate to ask if we can do anything to enable you to reach your fitness goals.   Included you will find a few day passes for your friends. We will be happy to pay for a month of your membership for every friend you send us! Thanks again!"

Your current members like to feel appreciated too so do not limit thank you notes to just your prospects and new members, especially since they"re the ones paying your bills. At least every six months, your entire membership base should be sent a letter of thanks. Something straight to the point; "Just a quick Thank You for being our member! Without you we would not exist and we sincerely value your decision to continue to be a part of our family. If you need any help reaching your fitness goals, please do not hesitate to contact us." If you like, you can also mention a gift. "Be sure to drop by the front desk to sign up for our email newsletter and receive a free water bottle!"

And last but not least, do not forget to thank your employees, business partners, and area retailers; anyone who has helped with your promotions, or anyone who has helped refer you members and improve your business. It displays good character. When was the last time you received a thank you note from an associate or a boss? The answer is probably never. When you mail or email a note of thanks to one of your employees or associates, it is not forgotten for a long time. So send a quick thank you to all of your employees, no matter how much they may tease you for being a softy, deep down they will feel valued. Same goes for anyone in your community who often goes above and beyond in helping you build your business.

Get into the habit of sending thank you notes and immediately work your way into the hearts and minds of your prospects, members, and everyone else who your fitness business relies on!


Source by Curtis Mock

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