Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Network Marketing Success: Achieving Duplication


One of the more difficult and persistent challenges to network marketing success is duplication. In order to drive duplication into an organization, the leader must lead, not manage. That leads me to today"s topic which is how to achieve network marketing success by leaving your ego at the door.

I ask you to think a little about your ego and whether or not it sometimes gets in the way of your success. So, here"s my question. Is your ego at the door, or does it go into the room with you when you go to a meeting or presentation?

So you are attending a presentation, maybe a home meeting or in a hotel room. You know the presenter and you have a tendency to jump up in the middle of the presentation and add information. Now it may be that the information you are adding is relevant, but is it necessary? Are you simply letting you ego dictate your actions. Was it necessary to say? If it was not necessary to say, it was necessary to not say it at all.

If a prospect asks a direct question, do you feel compelled to give the answer? Do you want to be the person who appears to have the knowledge? Does it make you feel important to supply information? You want to be able to say, "Yes, this is the way it is."

We all have a tendency to do it and we all want to appear knowledgeable and important but... and it is a big but. When we interrupt the speaker, we diminish his or her authority and that is not good for business. When we jump into a conversation and answer questions, we are not teaching our team to duplicate without us.

If you do any of these actions, you are quite possibly doing more harm than good to your business. Here"s the reason. If you attempt to answer every question, that is your ego getting in the way. You are training the people to call you for the answers rather than call customer support or look up the information in some other way and if you do that, it is not duplicable. You can"t build a big team that way. It"s often been said in network marketing that, if your lips are moving, your fingers should be pointing to some company supplied material or literature. Your lips aren"t moving because you"re answering the question, your lips are moving because you"re pointing to where the person can get the answer to their question without you helping them. As you grow your business, that"s going to become increasingly important. You have to supply leadership, not answers. Driving duplication into a team requires leadership and without it, network marketing success cannot be achieved.


Source by Len Mooney

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