Tuesday, February 28, 2017

HugeDomains.com - RouletteRaper.com is for sale (Roulette Raper)

HugeDomains.com - RouletteRaper.com is for sale (Roulette Raper)

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Quitting Smoking Timeline

Quitting Smoking Timeline

Click here to get Quitting Smoking Timeline at discounted price while it"s still available...

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Quitting Smoking Timeline is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


How to Enjoy Quitting Smoking!

We have shown over 100,000 people how to do this since 1996…..yet millions still swear quitting smoking must be "hell on earth"!

The Internet"s most popular Free Quit Smoking Course!

“This course is WONDERFUL. It forces us to examine all our most
precious root assumptions about smoking and then tears them apart.

The RESULT: Quiting smoking naturally  can be easy and permanent!”

Dr. D. Dell"Olio, Health Review News

“This breakthrough course is destined to become a classic
reference on how to stop smoking ……simple wisdom that will blow your mind away.

Just spend under one hour reading it, exploring the quitting smoking timeline  and it will change the way
you view smoking for ever”

Times Health Supplement, October 2004

"This is by far one of the best Free Quit Smoking course 
on the Internet."
                   Sir Richard Branson

Our website is the most recommended free Quit Smoking site in the leading Quit Smoking Forums like Quitnet and About smoking

You can ENJOY doing it!

You can enjoy the process of becoming a non-smoker.

All these people did. Click Here

I know it will be so hard to convince you of this.

But before I try, please consider this:

Since the late seventies, over 120 million Americans, not to mention all the millions of people in the UK and Ireland  have successfully quit smoking.

Yes, 120 million in America alone!

People who were convinced they would never really succeed.

And, at that time we felt like you do now.

……We are all ex-smokers.

From myself to Emma, Dave, Michael, Susan, Clare………

Some of us were successful the first time, other"s the second time.

I was successful after my fifth attempt – but now 20 years later, it is one of the best things I"ve ever done.

Again and again I want to make the point……..:

You can enjoy the whole process of quit smoking.

Millions will tell you that  CANNOT BE done.

In fact, millions will swear quitting smoking is "hell on earth".

It can be………..but it NEED NOT BE. 

The truth is: Qitting smoking need NOT be hard or difficult.
 There is NO law that says it should be. 

Yes, if you quit in the same old way like 99% of smokers, using willpower alone TO FORCE themselves to stop.……….., yes, it will be a horrible, miserable experience for you.

But……….it need not be.


It is POSSIBLE to quit  AND ENJOY IT! 

I know most smokers won"t be able to accept this at the moment – but can"t you, at least ALLOW yourself  to consider  that it MIGHT be a possibility.

What can you lose?

You don"t have to believe a word I say.

You can NOW prove it for yourself! Our entire 10 day course
is free and online now.

Can I explain how YOU CAN quit smoking AND NOT FIND IT DIFFICULT?

Again, I really mean this.

Quit smoking DOES NOT HAVE TO BE DIFFICULT. And it does NOT mean you have to gain weight, when you stop.

If you are honest right now, you believe 100% —– no, 1 BILLION % that……………:

Even now, I bet even the mere thought of not being able to smoke fills you with dread:

Right now, you must be BRUTALLY honest with yourself.

On the surface, YOU may want to quit smoking.

But deep down……….

…………….you are probably TOTALLY, ABSOLUTELY, 1,000% convinced that you could not get through the day – OR really be HAPPY if you could not smoke.

Like most smokers, you like to smoke.

You look forward to your cigarette.

You genuinely BELIEVE that smoking is ENJOYABLE. That it is essential…..:

But a part of you still wants to give quit smoking -because they are killing you.

They are literally destroying you.

And so One Day…..

You decide to give up.

But we all know what really happens?

Everything has gone well for the first few days (or hours).

Then, after a while you feel an unconscious urge to smoke……. but you remember you have given up so you fight it…………..

And fight it…….and fight it.

And after a little while, a full scale civil war is RAGING within you.

One part of you doesn"t want to smoke while another part of you, desperately wants to smoke.

Both parts are now FIGHTING each other.

…….And after a little while, you start to feel tired and tense as this internal battle continues to rage.

And you curse the day that you decided to stop smoking!

And after a while……you either keep on resisting the temptation to smoke or you give in, have a "smoke" and promise to start again next Monday……..

But whatever choice you make, there is one thing we will all remember:

"How horrible and terrible this giving up smoking is".

You could not be more wrong!

Yes, I know most smokers  who quit smoking in the past experienced this horror and frustration.

Millions have found quitting smoking a terrible experience.

But it need not be………

It was a terrible experience in the past for most smokers because 99.9% of smokers who tried to quit tried to do it through brute WILLPOWER alone, they go through each day of the quitting smoking timeline, day by draining day on willpower alone.

And most smokers TODAY are still doing the SAME THING! 

They will try and FORCE THEMSELVES to stop.

But most of them won"t..

All they will  end up experiencing is………..PAIN and MISERY, and the horrible fear that they ALWAYS feel like this if they can"t smoke.

Please look very careful at this:

The pain and misery that you experience when you can"t smoke is not caused by the FACT that you can"t smoke.

I know we all believe it is, but in fact…..

The cigarette is irrelevant.

When you quit smoking and become a non-smoker you will naturally  feel the CRAVING to smoke.

 We all know that feeling –" I must have a cigarette’.

But here is the IMPORTANT thing:

THAT "desire"  or "craving" to smoke in itself is not bad or painful.

 It is just a feeling, a sensation we feel in our body.

 However……..this is what 99% of smokers miss…..

……It is only when you start to FEAR or HATE  that " craving"…….or  try to  push it away  or use willpower to REPRESS it….   that, that  "craving"  ….THEN becomes painful, annoying and frustrating!

But this is exactly what 99% of smokers do. 

When they get the craving to smoke, they get frightenend…., anxious….and  afraid OF THE CRAVING….and they start to hate it, fight it or use willpower to repress or "destroy" the craving. 

But it is  THIS  fearful, anxious, nervous RESISTANCE that actually makes quitting smoking so hard, so difficult and so painful for most smokers.

Again and again, remember : There is nothing wrong with the craving to smoke. it is normal and natural.

It is just a temporary feeling or sensation in your belly.

The pain, the HORROR  comes from HOW you decide to deal with this desire to smoke moment-by-moment WHEN you quit smoking.

What if we could  show you how you could actually TRANSFORM this craving  to smoke— so that it was actually  enjoyable to experience?

If you could learn how to do that – what would there be to fear  from quitting smoking?

Isn"t that true?

Then,  when you quit -if  you get the craving to smoke, or hundreds of cravings to smoke -you simply wouldn"t care!  You"d just welcome it as another great OPPORTUNITY  to  "transform"  it so that it was  enjoyable to experience!

And the way to do that is to do something you have probably never done before…………

Yes, wait for it……………

BE happy when you get the CRAVING to smoke during the day.  

The secret really is to be happy when you get the CRAVING to smoke during the day.
Let me explain…………

A Zen monk has his vital signs measured as he prepares to enter an advanced state of meditation in Normandy, France. During meditation, the monk"s body produces enough heat to dry cold, wet sheets put over his shoulders in a frigid room (Photo courtesy of Herbert Benson

In fact, it probably explains the secret of the incredible bodily feats they are able to carry out.

In fact, in a recent TV documentary I saw, two Zen practitioners were filmed as they sat happily and without-a-care-in-the-world in FREEZING, ICE-cold water for hours?

Not only were they able to handle this terrible discomfort….. …Imagine getting up tomorrow morning and having to jump into an ice-cold bath! –and stay in it!) – they were able to ENJOY it!

Actually E-N-J-O-Y it! It didn"t bother them!

It definitely puts the temporary discomfort of not been able to smoke into perspective……

And here"s how they do it……

Although it seems incredible, the secret of the Zen monks is actually very simple.

The secret lies in HOW they RESPOND to what they feel moment-by-moment.

If they are feeling a sensation they don’t like, i.e. like ice-cold water – they don’t automatically BELIEVE that this feeling or sensation is "bad", or  "wrong" .

They don"t automatically resist the feeling.

Or start to hate it.

Instead, using simple techniques, they simply ALLOW themselves to OPEN up to whether sensation is present.….and train themselves to WELCOME it. 

Yes, they welcome this so-called "unpleasant" feeling.


That"s the great secret:


They allow themselves to stay with the feeling moment-by-moment, simply, WITHOUT judgment noticing it’s……movement, it"s progress and it"s intensity.

They allow themselves to get ‘comfortable with their discomfort’ – and when they do that – an extraordinary thing HAPPENS………..

The exact same thing I will show you now when you quit smoking.

But none of us, when we quit smoking ever do this because we are too BUSY "hating" or being afraid of this craving to smoke…….there we all are….. sitting on our couch, WISHING, praying, begging it would go away……

We are all too busy WANTING it to go away………..instead of welcoming it and TRANSFORMING it.

The earth-shattering truth is:

 The craving to smoke can be a JOY to feel !!

In our famous, free online course , I will show you exactly how to do this so that this time when you quit you will actually enjoy it!

You can NOW access our complete 10 step online course, with its free information on how to quit smoking.

You can also e-mail our team of Advisors if you need any help with our course.

Remember, all our advisors are ex-smokers who have successfully quit smoking – so they will understand exactly what you are going through!

Click here to continue with our free Online QUIT SMOKING COURSE

Citation: Excel training Courses

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Please help to keep this site Free by Donating.Every week we get on average over 175 emails thanking us for helping them quit,yet on average only five
people donate.

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Quitting Smoking Timeline is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.



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Swoosh Your English (Affiliate) | Swoosh English

Swoosh Your English (Affiliate) | Swoosh English

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Best Jobs for Felons - Your Paycheck Is Waiting at These Jobs for Felons


Finding jobs for felons has always been a hard road. Due to the slowdown of the economy it"s proving even more difficult to find jobs for felons this year and those guys in the white house don"t seem to be helping. The truth is, the search for high paying jobs for felons is a task that falls on your shoulders, and we"ll help you lift weight.

We"re about to shed some light on your search for the best jobs for felons as you are about to learn tips on:

• Expungement of Criminal Records

• How to overcome the objections

• Advise when seeking jobs for felons

• The Top 10 Jobs for Felons

• Where to go for tools and education

Let"s get started! Depending on where you live, it might be possible to expunge your conviction from your records. This can be very positive when looking for jobs for felons but you will have to do some research on this or consult a lawyer because the laws differ in each state. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration before you can get your record expunged such as the type of felony, the number of convictions, your age at the time, how many years have passed since the conviction, etc.

Note that you will have to obtain a court order to have your conviction expunged because it will not happen automatically even if you are eligible. When the court grants an expungement for you, all records of your conviction will be sealed and it will not show up if a prospective employer does a background check when applying for jobs for felons. You may also become eligible for professional or trade licenses after your records have been expunged.

It also depends on the type of felony you committed. For example, a former stockbroker who was convicted of embezzlement will definitely find it very difficult to get a job where he will handle money so he will have to look for a new job that is unrelated to his former profession.

Unfortunately, most medium to big businesses can be very reluctant companies that hire felons because of possible liability issues. It may still be possible to get a job with a big corporation if you are upfront about your past and can convince the person conducting your interview that you will make a good employee. To secure good jobs for felons you"ll need to separate yourself from the pack.

Around 80 percent of employers will do a background check so it is safe to assume that you will need to discuss your conviction honestly. When you"re looking for jobs for felons, explain what happened and how you have moved on since the time of your conviction. Highlight your skills, experience and that you are willing to work to prove yourself.

You will have a better chance of landing a job with a small privately owned business. Small business owners are less concerned about corporate liabilities than large companies. Many jobs for felons work hand in hand with their employees or supervise their work directly.

Here is a list of the top 10 job ideas for felons:

1. State unemployment agencies - they will offer help and will have a list of jobs for felons that you can try applying for. Although most of the jobs will probably not be very good ones, this is a good starting point for you if you are willing to work from the bottom up.

2. Temp agencies - this is often the first stop for people who were recently released and need money badly. You can find a job doing manual labor on a temporary basis but you will have not have any benefits so it is best to look for a better job when you can.

3. Food service industry - there are always jobs in the food service industry (waiters, counter attendants, bus staff, etc.) for anyone who is willing to work hard. Tips can be a good source of extra income in the better restaurants, bars and other establishments.

4. Trucking companies - many felons have been able to successfully get jobs as truck drivers. This is a good job for felons who love driving and don"t mind being on the road a lot. It is less ideal for those who have families because you will be away for days or even weeks at a time. The pay is quite reasonable and will increase as you become more experienced.

5. Government/state jobs - some states and cities will offer jobs for felons as part of the government"s efforts to rehabilitate them into society. Government jobs are among the most secure available and generally have good benefits. Look for felon career opportunities in government websites or call and ask if they have any suitable job openings.

6. Military jobs - the US Army has the moral waiver program which allows for the recruitment of people with felony convictions. Jobs for felons in the military are not for everyone since you need to be physically fit and be willing to learn military discipline. The main drawback for many is that you may be put into dangerous combat duty. The military gives felons a second chance at life and allows them to serve their country.

7. Sales - this is an excellent job for felons who are good at selling things. It can be very high-paying if you have the skill for it and unlike many regular jobs, many sales people have become millionaires. The money you make will depend on the sales you generate.

8. Independent contractor/ freelance work - these can provide great jobs for felons. If you have a skill that people will pay for then you can work as an independent contractor. You are your own boss and control your own schedule. Examples of independent contractors are graphic designers, web designers, copy writers, business writers, etc. Many trades persons such as masons, carpenters, tailors, etc. are independent contractors, too.

9. Internet marketing - the internet offers many opportunities for people to earn money. Internet marketing includes selling items on the internet, earning a commission through selling other people"s items online (affiliate marketing), getting sales leads from your website, selling advertising space on your blog or website and other such activities.

10. Start your own business and create jobs for felons - lastly, the best employment, including jobs for felons, can be independent and to make money is to start your own business. It won"t be easy but if you are successful then there is no limit to how far you can go. We wish you luck on your search for the best jobs for felons.


Source by Michael J. Martin

The Instant Crappie Catching Tricks E-Kit!

The Instant Crappie Catching Tricks E-Kit!

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The Instant Crappie Catching Tricks E-Kit! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Amazed By How Well His Techniques Continue To Work..."(A 2 1/2 pound
crappie Jim hauled in using just 1 of
Joel"s secrets...)

used the first crappie catching trick Joel showed me and caught this beauty.
I"m amazed by how well his techniques continue to work... I"ve never caught
so many big ones!"
Jim Duel
Mountain View, CA

single heart-breaking event occurred, forcing a man to catch crappie in
the wilderness by any means necessary... for 3 years straight!

U.S. Marine Reveals
Deadly Crappie Fishing Secrets
Anyone Can Use To Slam Huge Slabs
Of Crappie... In Any Body Of Water...
In Any Season... Without Expensive
Equipment... Even If You"re Fishing
From A Wheelchair!"

and his brilliant techniques will give you the "inside edge"
in any spot... so your buddies beg to know your secrets!

Crappie Fisherman,

The story
I"m about to tell you contains the most important crappie fishing secret
you"ve ever heard... and it might even change your life:

the landmine exploded, and the shrapnel ripped into U.S. Marine (and master
crappie fisherman) Joel Adam"s legs... his life changed forever.

As he lay
broken and bleeding on the battle-torn ground of Grenada, he could only
think of friends and family... his long hard life of "surviving",

Thousands Of Crappie He"d Caught Over 52 Years...

At that moment,
he would have given anything to be in his favorite fishing spot... hauling
in a "barn door sized" 3½ pound crappie with his buddies
-- like he"d been doing his whole life.

You see,
Joel Adams was "born" with a crappie rod in his hand. I mean
this literally because...

Mom Gave Birth To Him While Fishing
Rock Creek Lake In Dallas, Texas!

a safe bet that any lady who goes into labor while she"s fishing, probably
teaches her son to catch fish before he can walk.

parents were die hard crappie fishermen.

they showed him every secret in their bag of tricks.

bag of tricks stuffed with old country crappie fishing techniques, strategies,
and secrets handed down through generations of survivalists and master

parents came from an inner crappie fishing brotherhood... and the
inside secrets they taught Joel made him a fishing "prodigy"
at a young age.

teaching Joel about fishing was about the only positive thing they did
for him.

He grew up in an abusive household, and...

Ran Away When He Was 13 To Escape
The Pain... And Live In The Wild!

the abuse got bad enough, he ran away. He decided he"d have a better chance
out in the wilderness... alone.

and that"s when his skill for catching monster crappie shot to another
level completely.

Survived On Self-Caught Crappie,
And A Little Help From His Friends...

you"re living in the wilderness at 13 years old... in a small tent...
scared and alone... and the only thing you really know how to do is catch
fish -- you do it.

there"s one problem.

Fish Don"t Always Bite.

and when you"re not getting a single bite, you"ve gotta get "creative"
-- especially when you"re getting hungry.

was forced to modify his techniques... doctor-up his baits... learn how
a crappie thinks.

discovered unique methods of triggering strikes, even when it seemed nothing
would work.

wasn"t an option. Joel went to any means necessary to catch his
next meal.

If It Meant Breaking The Law

I"m not saying he broke the law... I"m just saying that some of Joel"s
best techniques are so sneaky, so ruthless... and so effective for hauling
in huge crappie -- that the department of fish and game doesn"t know enough
to shut them down.

guess is: if they knew about a few of his "dirtier" techniques,
they"d ban "em immediately.

most of his stuff is just super sneaky, and perfectly legal. (But his
"dark side" crappie fishing tactics are here if you want them.
Use them at your own risk...)

line: his secrets work like gangbusters. Joel is living proof
of this because...

stayed alive in the bush for 3 years.

never took help from his grandmother, even when she offered to take him

she knew he couldn"t keep going like that. So she had her "friends"
pull some strings to get him into the Marine Corps a little "early"...
on Joel"s secret death wish.

was an emotionally damaged kid... and he dreamed of getting killed in
the military, so he could die a hero.

almost did when the landmine crippled him, but Joel defied the odds.

said he"d never walk again, but the same determination he used to survive
in the wild -- even in the bleakest conditions -- gave him the will and
strength to walk again.

even rejoined the military.

when his pure love of fishing took over and...

Joined The U.S. Navy So
He Could Fish All Over The World!

and fish he did!

Navy career took him fishing all across the United States -- from east
to west, and all over the world -- including the Mideast and Europe...
and even to the mighty Amazon River.

became a student of fishing again. He made it his primary "R&R
mission" to seek out the local fishing gurus in every location he
visited... and get their inside secrets for catching the local species.

it swam in freshwater or saltwater, Joel caught it.

every time he got back to the U.S., he"d carefully tweak and test these
new techniques... on crappie!

knows all game fish are predators. Whether it"s a crappie, a bass, a carp,
a walleye, or a speckled trout... and all predators have certain tendencies
you can exploit.)

Transformed Into A Crappie Catching Scientist

fact, he created dozens of completely unique methods for catching
crappie -- simply by modifying the techniques and presentations
he discovered around the world.

he wasn"t done learning...

Loved Crappie Fishing To The Point Of Obsession

he wanted to take his skill to the next level.

he crawled deeper inside the mind of a crappie when studying for his Masters
Degree in Biology. (He used his G.I. bill to go to college...)

his research, he closely studied the behaviors of predator fish.

he used this knowledge to develop
new fishing methods that "trigger" different behaviors in crappie.

tested and fine-tuned these deadly techniques over years of fishing...
and he"s added them his massive arsenal of crappie catching tricks.

where you come in.

You Don"t Need A Biology Degree To
Blow Your Fishing Buddies Away

just need proven crappie catching secrets from someone who applies science
to his obsession...

someone who"s been a student of catching fish for over 52 years, all over
the world. (... and who"s focused all that knowledge on catching crappie
in the good "ol U.S. of A.)

someone who lived in the wilderness and had to catch crappie by any means
possible, or starve.

someone who was born into the "inside" crappie fishing brotherhood...

Who Received A Large Sum Of Cash (From Me!)
For Every Crappie Fishing Secret He Knows

My name is
Dan Eggertsen, and I"ve been in the fishing education business since 2004.

To prove
I know what I"m talking about, here"s a screen shot of what you"ll find
when searching for "Dan Eggertsen crappie fishing" in Google.

in red at the top of the page, you can
see there are 117,000 pages of results!

I don"t
show you this to boast or brag. I just want to offer some real proof
that when it comes to catching big crappie, I"ve got information that
will help you slam "em at will.

see, I"m always on the hunt for new (and old) crappie fishing secrets...
straight from the mouths of guys hauling in boatloads of fish. (While
everyone stares in stunned silence, wondering how they do it.)

like Joel Adams.

And I Discovered Him By Freak Accident

was on the phone with a Georgia bait shop owner, and he mentioned an
old crappie fishing guru living in the Cohutta wilderness. (in Northern

was talking about Joel, and I was fascinated. So I pulled some strings
to get into contact with him... and he"s one of the nicest guys I"ve
ever met.

became fast friends, and after digging a few crappie fishing "tricks"
out of him -- I made a deal to pay money I couldn"t afford, for his
entire arsenal of secrets.

Joel revealed everything... in great detail.

Spilled His Guts... Along With Every
Crappie Fishing Secret He"d Ever Used

and it took me almost 6 full months to suck this mountain of information
out of his brain.

seeing his techniques work with my own eyes, I"m convinced these tactics
can transform any crappie fishermen (of any experience level) into a
local crappie catching master.

don"t take my word for it...

Caught More Crappie In A Single
Day Than I Ever Had Before.”

Dan, this is A.J. Bellard calling about your Instant Crappie Catching

Joel"s crappie
fishing techniques are tried and tested... and it"s stuff many
people would keep secret if they knew them. He"s been at it a
long time, he"s tried so many things, and he is more than qualified
to teach.

His "trial
and error" techniques have minimized "dead time"
out on the water where I"m not catching anything.

For example,
I put some of his jigging techniques to the test, and I caught
more crappie in a single day than I ever had before.

I had never
caught more than just a few in a day... but with Joe"s techniques
I caught a mess of them.

I was also
impressed with his information on how climate and water conditions
change the game. He covered each situation in detail.

basically gives you a blueprint for how to adapt his techniques
for any area of the country, and almost any condition.

you so much Dan.

provided a wealth of information, and your integrity shines
through in all the interviews you conducted with the fishermen
in the course.

wanted to give you my thoughts.

a great day."

Fayetteville, Arkansas

is A.J. with the first one he caught using
Joel’s techniques… the same day he broke his

personal record for number of crappie caught!

when you actually put them to the test...

Slam Your Limit Of Crappie Almost Every Time... Even When Other Guys Are Struggling

Joel has seen and done it all when it comes to crappie fishing, and
he"s got an incredible arsenal of inside secrets for you.

Here are 3 quick examples of 164 different secrets he"ll show you for
catching 2, 3, and even 4 times the amount of crappie you"re catching
now. (And if you"re not catching any... this stuff will blast your
catch count past most fishermen in your area):

Caught My Limit In Under 4 Hours!”

this is Elliot Perkins calling to tell you my thoughts on your
Crappie Fishing Course.

I can"t tell
you how much time this is going to save me.

There are
techniques in here I can use to get bites, even when I know there
are crappie down there -- but they"ve got a bad case of lock jaw.

His techniques
work like a charm.

example, I used one of his fish finder riggings with his
vertical jigging technique off the end of a dock.I caught
my limit in under 4 hours!

I really enjoyed Joel"s personality. He"s a great guy, and
I"d love to fish with him.

very impressed with his strategies and techniques.

for providing such an amazing resource for crappie fishermen

to you later.

Arlington, Texas"

crappie limit caught off a dock with Joel’s
fish finder riggings and vertical
jigging technique...

imagine the thrill these guys felt when they used Joel"s secrets, and
had some of their best crappie fishing trips ever.

nothing like the big "inside smile" you get when you"re the
guy ripping crappie out of the water like nobody else... and
your buddies give you that jealous stare, before demanding to know what
your secret is.

and the the look on your wife"s face when you casually walk in the house
with the biggest stringer of crappie she"s ever seen.

here to tell you this can all happen, because...

He"s Got Crappie Catching Tricks For
Any Situation You"ll Find Yourself In...

all 4 seasons... whether you fish from a boat or from shore.

are just a few of the many secrets Joel will show you for each one of
these situations:

If You Swear Your Spots Are "Different"...

has fished for crappie from the East Coast to the West Coast, and almost
everywhere in between...
and he"s faced tons of "dead" spots where people were struggling
to get a bite.

it took Joel a few hours to "figure it out". To reach way
back into his bag of tricks and find the perfect techniques to find
or attract them, put them in "attack mode", and start triggering
strikes like crazy.

knows (as we all do) that a crappie is a crappie, no matter where
it is in North America.
Whether it"s winter or spring... whether the water is murky or clear,
hot or cold, deep or shallow...

Nature has wired "em all a certain way. You just need the right techniques
and strategies for your specific situation... so you catch the daylights
out of them.

Joel has it all laid out so you don"t even really need to "think".
You"ll have a secret weapon
for any situation, and any body of water.

used his jig and spinner approaches to fill a big wire basket
with crappie... in two hours.”

Dan, this is Bob Bell.

I"m impressed
with the crappie fishing course because it"s all encompassing.

It is also
very well written, and could only have been put together by someone
with extensive experience.

information included can save people a lot of time because it
lays out proven baits, riggings, and tackle for different locations
and times of the year.

Joel sounds
like a great guy. He"s believable, and a pleasure to listen to
and read.

used his jig and spinner approaches to fill a big wire basket
with crappie by myself in two hours. Of course it took me
twice as long, 4 hours, to fillet all of them.

wanted to give you some thoughts Dan.

is an excellent resource I"d recommend to anyone.

Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

action shot of Bob Bell on the water, the same
day he used Joel’s techniques to fill that
wire basket with crappie… in 2 hours!

Even Out-Catch Most Local Guys In
Waters You"ve Never Fished Before

taking a trip to a body of water you"ve never fished before.

you follow Joel"s simple guidelines to select the perfect presentation,
technique, and strategy for your current location and conditions.

because you"re using special techniques that tap into crappie"s inner
instincts... you start blowing everyone else off the water.

feel the excitement and pride that comes with catching "em like clockwork...
and you"ll have the exact steps you need to find out what makes "em

you"ll save a ton of time trying to find them... and trying to "guess"
what they"ll bite on.

caught a 3 pounder using his vertical jig fishing techniques with
his recommended
yellow and black feathered jig!”

Dan, this
is Eddie Carlile calling.

I just wanted
to give you some feedback on your crappie course.

I"m very impressed
to say the least.

Joel"s got
a great personality and he"s very down to earth. Most importantly,
he held nothing back.

First of all,
Joel has included a set of instructions to find crappie in any
area, time of day, and season. There are also guidelines for exactly
what presentations to use in your most common situations.

No more aimless
searching for crappie. I know exactly where to go, what to look
for, and what to use.

Over the weekend
I used some of his night fishing techniques with jigs, and we
got more bites that usual... and caught a lot more crappie.

I also used
one of his jigging techniques to catch 30 in a single day... my
best day ever.

But the best
thing is... I caught a 3 pounder using his vertical jig fishing
techniques with his recommended yellow and black feathered jig!

This course
is so thorough that it leaves very little room for question. Other
books and courses I"ve seen may touch on something you know nothing
about, and leave you hanging without the details you need.

kit is very detailed with simple steps so you can understand everything,
and execute!

Thanks for
putting this together Dan.

Eddie Carlile

Abilene, Texas

Nothing Worse Than Sitting
For Hours Without A Single Bite...

after you"ve tried different spots... after you"ve tried every bait
you have... and you feel like you"re out there wasting your time.

some guys will tell you it"s OK if you don"t catch anything. That the
most important thing is "getting out into nature"... and it"s
not really about catching fish.

I agree
with the "getting out into nature" part.

if you"re like most fishermen, you go out to slam a motherload of crappie.
Not spend all day moving... waiting... moving... waiting... without
a single bite.

Joel has all the secrets you"ll ever need to catch your limit quickly.


and then after you"ve used these (and many more -- you"ll see them below)...
and you"re sitting there with a pile of big crappie -- then
you can sit and enjoy nature... OK?

remember: because you"ll be catching lots of crappie consistently...

Every Fisherman You Know Will Beg
To Go With You... Even The Kids!

When you
discover Joel"s inside strategies for keeping the bite going all day
long, your fishing partners will reap the rewards too.

It"s fun
as heck catching crappie, and you"ll be the guy everyone wants to fish
with -- because they"ll catch more with you.

build tighter lifelong friendships, and the kids will beg to go fishing
with you constantly.

Now, it"s
possible you
already catch more crappie than you can handle. But...

You Want To Catch A Monster Crappie?
Do You Want To "Own" The Local Record?

If you
want to dramatically increase the average size crappie you"re catching...
if you want to feel the spine tingling thrill of hauling in a 3 pound
plus monster... Joel uses some sneaky tricks to find, attract, target,
and trigger an all out attack on your bait from only the
biggest crappies in your spot.

monster crappie catching secrets are "unique" to say the least...
and a few of them are downright "weird".

And I never
imagined they"d work this well...

have used some of the recommended jigs and techniques outlined
in the course to catch our limit of crappie, many of which were
over 2 pounds!”

"Hi Dan,
this is Deb Lovin.

I wanted to
tell you about my experiences with your Instant Crappie Catching

My fishing
buddy and I have used some of the recommended jigs and techniques
outlined in the course to catch our limits of crappie, many of
which were over 2 pounds!

strategies and techniques in the course can be used by both
beginners and seasoned crappie fishermen to increase the
number and sizes of crappie they"ll catch.

experiences with the information prove this out.

for all this great information, and the many emails you"ve
sent me in the past. I believe you sincerely want to help
crappie fishermen catch more fish, and get more enjoyment
from every trip.

a good one, Dan.

Hickson, Tennessee

used one of his recommended soft body swimbaits with a weedless
hook, and I caught a 3 pound crappie!”

"Hi Dan,
this is Ontario Palmer.

I got your
course, and it is excellent.

The information
is so good and easy to follow, I
feel like I"m fishing with a guide.

Joel has obviously
been fishing his whole life for crappie and other species all
over the world.

He knows their
habits inside and out. And his stories, personality, charm and
humor really keeps everything interesting.

In the past,
I used one of his recommended soft body swimbaits with a weedless
hook, and I caught a 3 pound crappie! At first I thought it was
a nice size bass... but once I got it in I realized it was a crappie,
and thought I had the state record!

It wasn"t
the record, but it was still huge!

had a limited amount of time to fish lately, but I did get
out to try more of his methods, and I caught 13 crappie
between a half pound to a pound and a half (and a 7 pound
bass) in less than two hours! That"s great for this area.

I"m impressed with you as a person because you"ve put together
this great course, and you truly want to help people. That
fact shines through in your interviews.

a good day and talk to you soon."

Madisonville, Kentucky

with a stringer he caught using techniques from the kit...
less than 2 hours!

100 Crappie In A Single Day Is Impressive...
But Hauling In A Trophy-Sized Monster Is "Legendary"...

just something about the fight with that monster crappie... and how
he looks as you haul him up out of the water...

how you"re buddies" jaws hit the deck when they lay eyes on your prize.

The biggest
crappie they (and you) have ever seen.

it"s yours.

who sees what you caught will talk about it for years.

And Joel"s
got the techniques that will help you feel that thrill. There"s really
nothing else like it.

just 3 of the dozens he"ll show you.

And you
can have every secret in Joel"s arsenal, right now...

2 Years Of Hard Work, Joel And I Have Completed
This Step-By-Step "Instant Crappie Catching Tricks" E-Kit...

"Instant Crappie Catching Tricks E-Kit" contains every secret
Joel Adams
has ever
used. You"ll receive 6 downloadable manuals, a checklist, and
5 audio interviews with other crappie fishing gurus...

and it"s unlike any crappie fishing resource I"ve ever seen.

crappie fishing books I"ve read are full of some good information...
but they"re boring, and it takes forever to read through pages and pages
of fluff.

Instant Crappie Catching Tricks E-Kit is completely different.

is a "no B.S." type of guy from his years in the military...
and from page 1 he jam packs
it with hundreds of his best crappie fishing secrets.

fluff, no filler, "no B.S.".

be sucked into his insider crappie fishing world immediately because
the information is completely unique...

You Won"t Find Most If It On The Internet

This is
because Joel"s had more crazy fishing experiences than almost anyone
out there.

(In fact,
I"ve never met anyone else who caught crappie for food while living
in the woods at age 13... then fished all around the world in the Navy...
then learned about scientific "predator triggers" as a biology
major -- and used them to catch crappie!)

Plus, every
technique is beautifully illustrated and photographed with simple step-by-step
instructions, so they are "brain-dead easy" to execute.

everything you"ll get in just a few minutes:

121 page "Instant Crappie Catching Tricks Core Secrets" manual
contains step-by-step instructions
for unleashing Joel"s core secrets... including beautiful illustrations
and photographs of every
step, so you"ll know exactly how to catch more crappie the next time
you go fishing.

are the secrets you"ll discover inside:

to make a "sure-fire strike indicator" using a guitar
string and a piece of duct tape, so you can instantly detect even
the smallest nibble... and catch him!

to easily predict daily crappie movement patterns based on the
time of year... so you know exactly where they"ll be before they
get there. (Every body of water is different, but Joel will show
you his simple method for tracking and targeting crappie, so you"re
always on top of them... even when the other fishermen aren"t.)

to "light line" small sinking crankbaits during the
pre-spawn so you slam crappie hand over fist... before the crowds
come! (You"ll follow Joel"s steps to work the crankbait from "shallow
to deep", creating action crappie can"t resist...)

winter "bite zones" that hold small schools of crappie
wired to attack a specific jig type... as long as you use a slip
float. (Only the best crappie fishermen in the country know about
this one... and it"s deadly!)

The "Instant
Crappie Catching Tricks Advanced Secrets" course manual includes

Joel"s wildest, weirdest, and deadliest secrets... for crappie fishermen

willing to do almost anything to catch huge slabs of monsters. WARNING: some of this stuff is not for the feint
of heart!

some of what you"ll discover:

also included a simple checklist to make sure you hit all the best techniques
in the E-Kit.

was only after I put the finishing touches on the course that I realized
how many techniques, tactics, and secrets were included. The
checklist will be your guide.

follow it step-by-step to go through the information in the right order
so you "get" the simplest techniques first... before moving
on to the advanced tactics.

I"ve also prepared the following "surprise" bonus gifts for
anyone ordering today,
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

has been crappie fishing for almost 66 years... and during that time
he"s come up with some creative "quick crappie catching" techniques.

this 47 minute interview you"ll discover:

tiny bait fish that can catch more crappie than any minnow by
10 to 1... but only if it"s dead! (Hint: you"ll trigger
frenzied crappie attacks by putting 2 or 3 of these poor little
guys on your hook after ripping their guts out.)

to exploit wind and sunlight to put crappie at a huge disadvantage...
and catch them like crazy in 1 spot for almost 60 minutes.

systematic deep water fishing method that automatically discovers
the perfect combination of presentation, depth, and technique
for triggering the most strikes. (This automatically adapts to
a crappies" state of mind based on the current conditions... and
it"s absolutely brilliant!)

secret crappie fishing system Jerry discovered in the early 1980"s
when he used a 9 foot fly fishing rod, a bobber, and a special
jig to catch dozens of crappie between 1 ½ to 3 pounds...
at will! (He"ll show you how to adapt this strategy to
a standard crappie rod and trigger spin reel... so you fill your
stringer with monsters.)

didn"t give Rob much... but he can catch crappie (and fix your plumbing)
like almost nobody else.

uncles were big time fishermen and taught him everything they knew
when he was a kid. And he"s been putting those skills to the test
for 51 years... constantly refining his techniques... coming up with
new ways to stimulate action when everyone says it"s dead.

got the uncanny ability to sit in a crowd and catch the daylights
out of them when nobody else can get a bite.

to give your minnows dramatic wiggling spasms so they get slammed
a few seconds after hitting the water... almost every time!

to build a floating crappie catching platform using a stick,
an inner tube, a piece of plywood, a wire, a broom handle, and
a piece of duct tape. (This contraption automatically
attracts crappie, and can catch your limit for you.)

"pull and turn" technique that will free your tackle
from almost every snag... without having to break off and re-rig!
(All you need is Rob"s simple 3 step technique, and a pair of
needle nosed pliers.)

Rob and his best friend used pin floats and small jig heads
to catch 27 huge crappie... one of which was almost 4 pounds!
(They discovered this by complete accident, and he"ll show you
to use it to catch the biggest crappie in your spot within 30
minutes .)

a bunch more...

got over 50 years of crappie catching action under his belt... and
he"s only 51 years old!

guy was practically born with a crappie rod in his hand, and he"s
gonna tell you everything he knows, like:

bridge fishing secrets for catching a full stringer of crappie
in under 30 minutes. (You"ll use the legs of the bridge as a
big part of this strategy... and it works like a charm!)

secret "big crappie targeting" technique Ron used
to humiliate a group of fishermen who were making fun of him...
until he pulled out a crappie the size of a big bass!
(Nothing shuts "em up faster than catching a big one that blows
"em all away... and Ron will show you this technique so you
can do it too.)

a barometer can accurately predict the number of crappie you"ll
catch before you go fishing. (You"ll use Ron"s barometer
crappie fishing guide to predict your success with 90% accuracy...
so you know exactly when your time will be well spent on the

is just an old country boy who"s been a crappies" worst enemy since
he was 6 years old.

he"s always been willing to do whatever it takes to catch his limit
-- no matter how difficult the conditions are.

Jim caught a 2 ¼ pound crappie while he was asleep...
with his toe! (He"s going to show you what he did,
and how you can reproduce his success to catch 1 monster on
almost every trip!)

"bait stacking" system for rigging a single line with
multiple "super baits" crappie will destroy!
(You"ll also use Jim"s bait discovery system to fine tune your
presentations... and drive crappie crazy.)

big mistake Jim made to lose a 3 pound "wall hanger"
crappie he hooked... (Too many guys make this big blunder...
and Jim will show you how to avoid it, so you don"t lose your
next trophy catch.)

to setup any curly tailed grub so it does a natural "wiggle
dance" that draws crappie in... forcing involuntary attacks.

Jim"s old fishing buddy out caught him 3 crappie to 1 with a
hollow body jig, an ultralight rod, and a weird (but effective)
technique... (Jim forced his buddy to show him the
secret, and he"s used it ever since!)

Joel is one of the most interesting guys I"ve ever met, I want you
to get to know him through this special interview I did with him recently.

it he tells the amazing story of his life, including: his childhood,
his military career, and most of his wildest adventures and fishing

love it.

what he"ll tell you:

a small idea transformed into an amazing A-to-Z crappie fishing
course filled with Joel"s unique secrets.

single reason Joel was able to catch crappie from the east coast,
to the west coast... and everywhere in between.

military adventures in Grenada, Beirut, and Operation Eagle
Claw in 1980.

he caught a 35 pound carp with a kite string, a hook, and a
piece of bread. (He was only 4 years old, and the thing
nearly pulled him into the water!

Joel ended up in a small town with a population of 20. (He still
lives there, and it"s only connected to the rest of the world
by a small dirt road...)

manual contains full transcripts of all 5 interviews, so you can read
everything you heard.
This way you won"t miss a thing, and you"ll easily absorb all the
techniques these crappie masters reveal.

there"s a workbook included that asks questions about the major techniques
revealed in each interview.

fill in the blanks to make sure you "get" each secret.

manual contains solutions to 34 of the most common crappie fishing
problems and mistakes.

been keeping a log (over the last 5 years) of the major crappie catching
"sticking points" and "slip ups" being made over
and over again. Things that prevent people from catching lots of crappie.

addresses each problem area and presents a solution for each... complete
with detailed steps and illustrations.

follow the information in this manual to remove unknown barriers that
may be hurting your ability to catch crappie.

what you"ll discover:

graduated from Scottsdale Culinary Institute in Arizona, interned
at K-Pauls in New Orleans, and owned his own restaurant in Key West,

bottom line is: he"s a gourmet chef, and he"s put 30 of his best crappie
recipes into this cooking manual titled, "The Quick and Delicious
Crappie Recipes of a Gourmet Chef".

just a couple of these delicious
meals (using crappie you caught with his techniques) can more than
pay for the course.

some of the delicious recipes included are:

that"s a lot of stuff.

the main course (including all 8 bonuses) will be yours today for
a low price that may surprise you.

plan for this course has always been to print and bind it into 5 manuals
and workbooks, along with 5 physical CD"s.

before I pay thousands of dollars to have 100 courses printed (the
printing company has a 100 unit minimum), I had to make sure there
was demand for this information.

I put the entire course into files you can download to your computer
quickly and easily.

you"ll get immediate access to the entire Instant Crappie Catching
Tricks E-Kit in it"s digital form. It includes:

these 8 free bonus gifts:

response to this offer from crappie fishermen (and women!) of all
experience levels is making my head spin... not only because hundreds
of fishermen are ordering, but because of the amazing feedback I"m

caught over 100 crappie each after
throwing all
the small ones back.”

Hello Dan,
this is Tip Quillin calling you about your new crappie kit.

It"s a great
resource for many reasons. First, because it gets into the actual
nuts and bolts of "how to" do things.

Most books
and magazines don"t break things down into easy to follow steps.

Second the
course gives you all the tools you need to be prepared for almost
any situation that comes along. It gives you multiple"plan
B"s to add to your arsenal.

I also think
Joel has a great personality, and he"s so likeable it makes
it easy to go through the course. He"s a natural born teacher.

I actually
used one of his jig baiting strategies to get the bite going
again after we thought it had died completely.

Both of
us caught our limits after we started using the technique.

To be honest, we caught over 100 crappie EACH after throwing
all the small ones back.

just wanted to tell you what I thought of the course Dan.
It is exactly what you say it is.

a lot, and have a nice day.

Mountain View, California

"prepping" in his "office" the night
before a crappie fishing trip

Of The Crappies Was
The Biggest I’d Ever Caught…"

Dan this is Ralph Wheeler calling.

I got your
Instant Crappie Catching Tricks Course the other day, and I
was very impressed with the information included.

used some of the methods Joel laid out in the Advanced Course
Manual to catch 36 crappie in a day, which is the most
I"ve ever caught at one time.

It was the
jig sizing system and minnow drifting techniques that did it.

I"m also
happy to report that one of the crappies was the biggest I"d
ever caught. It was just over a pound, which is very good for
this area.

had a lot of rough fishing days in my past, but since
I got the course I know exactly how to find them using
the crappie location system included.

course is exactly what you say it is!

a lot Dan.

Haines City, Florida

NOTE, UPDATED Tuesday, February 28, 2017: Many
people who purchased the Instant Crappie Catching E-Kit today
want to purchase the physical course too. (when it comes out)

I"ve decided that anyone who gets the E-Kit today will also
get a special deal on the physical course when it"s released
(if you are interested)...

Can Only Guarantee The Special Price
Today, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, Because
I"m Printing The First Batch Of Physical Courses Soon...

that happens, this "E-Kit" version won"t be available anymore.

if you"re on the fence, I"m giving you 60 days to see (and try) every
secret for yourself before you decide it was money well spent.

you place your order for the Instant Crappie Catching Tricks
E-Kit today, you can get a full refund at any time (for any
reason... or no reason) within the next 60 days after you place
your order...

and I"ll let you keep the Instant Crappie Catching E-Kit anyway.
(including all 8 bonus gifts)

You heard this correctly.

you get to keep the course anyway.

is more than a guarantee, it"s my personal promise to you.

jig presentation and color guide
section of the kit was pure gold…”

Hi Dan,
this is Mark Bellsuth calling about your crappie fishing course.

The course
is like no other combination of books I"ve ever seen. There
is so much information any crappie fisherman can use to make
a trip successful.

illustrates, step-by-step, many unique methods of attracting
crappie and turning them into aggressive predators, even if
they seem hesitant to bite at first.

The jig
presentation and color guide section of the kit was pure gold,
and I can see how this information will create more opportunity
for crappie strikes too.

I used some
of the drift/jig patterns in the course, with a live minnow
to catch my biggest crappie ever.

It was 15 inches, big for my area and experience. I actually
thought it was a small catfish at first because of the

caught it on a drop-off.

impressed with your information Dan, and you"ve
proven yourself a trustworthy person by the amount of
information you"ve supplied.

have no doubt you are a true sportsman that wants to share
successful techniques with all of us.

wanted to tell you what I thought. Have a good day.

Michigan City, Indiana

Why is Mark happy? He’s got all the tools
he needs to catch crappie anytime he wants,
thanks to Joel’s techniques.

aren"t always easy, and most of us have felt a "cash crunch"
at one time or another. That"s one of the main reasons I"m offering
a downloadable (and more affordable) option first.

the biggest reason for the discount is: when you have Joel"s brilliant
crappie fishing secrets in your hands, I"ll feel good when I hear
about all the fish you"re catching.

be thrilled to hear how the secrets of a real American Hero (and all
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Are Darn Good Eatin" Too -- "Save" Your
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if you make a habit of it (why wouldn"t you? ...crappie is delicious!),
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cases of identify theft are caused by businesses that use unsecured
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every piece of the Instant Crappie Catching E-Kit is scanned twice
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really can"t see how ordering on the Internet could be any safer than

I sincerely want to thank you for your time.

feel a brotherhood with every fisherman I meet, including thousands
of my customers all over the world.

there"s one thing I"ve learned about fishing... it increases the quality
of your life.

in nature with a fun and exciting purpose lowers stress, creates happiness,
builds positive relationships, and gets people out in nature... in
all that fresh air and beauty.

could say that fishing is one of the secrets to living a long and
healthy life.

when you"re catching crappie hand over fist, almost every time you
try, your confidence in fishing (and life) soars.

have no doubt the crappie fishing secrets of Joel Adams, a U.S. Marine
and American Hero, can give you all this and more.

love what I do because it brings joy to guys like you... and if people
are catching more fish, it brings them closer together.

what we need in the world now... more than ever.



and Founder of Old Fishing Secrets

actually caught a 2 pound crappie in Badin Lake with one of
Joel"s strategies for
fishing around rocks."

Dan, this is Dale Wallace calling.

wanted to tell you how impressed I am with the amount
of solid information in your new crappie catching kit.

already put a few of the tips to work and we"ve had great

actually caught a 2 pound crappie in Badin Lake with one
of Joel"s strategies for fishing around rocks.

so much more to go through in the course, I"m sure the
best is yet to come.

it easy Dan.


Norwood, North Carolina

Just one of the many crappie Dale has caught
using Joel"s systematic method for
fishing around rocks.

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Source by Martin Rushforth

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The Super Hero Workout

The Super Hero Workout

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If you’ve ever seen a movie star go from chubby or fat to freaky-ripped and muscular and wondered “how did he do that?” then the information on this page is for you.

You’ll discover exactly how YOU can use the same cutting-edge fat-busting techniques previously reserved for Hollywood’s “elite”… and how it’s possible to get the body of your dreams, WITHOUT using ANY drugs, crash dieting or starving on “rabbit food”…  But ONLY for a very limited time.

From the desk of John Romaniello, Super Hero Trainer

If you think you think that only “celebrities” can go from soft to insanely ripped in mere months…if you think only elite athletes and actors can have transformations so incredible you think they’re photoshopped…YOU’RE WRONG.

Because the secrets I’m about to show you have nothing to do with expensive personal trainers, supplements, or strange diets.  Just like Gerard Butler did before 300…or Chris Hemsworth did before Thor…or Ryan Reynolds before The Green Lantern…

Just 90 days from now, you have body a lot like one of the superhero characters you see in the movies. You just have to follow a few simple steps.  After all, when I started on my quest to get the most ripped look possible, I definitely didn’t achieve it by magic, or overnight. But it did happen. It took a while (much longer than it would now), and I learned a few hard but really IMPORTANT lessons along the way.

Here’s the thing – it was incredibly hard for me, but it DOESN’T have to be that way for you. This is the exact reason why I specifically created the Super Hero Workout to help you: because if you know what you’re doing, it isn’t as impossible as it seems.  In fact, those lessons I learned taught me that it doesn’t even have to be that hard to get the kind of results that seem reserved for celebrities.  Don’t tell me—you don’t believe me, right? I get that a lot. My clients always say it when we first get started. They’re just like you. And just like I used to be.  Just like my clients, I bet when you watch super hero flicks like the X-Men series or Thor, you tell yourself,

“There’s simply no way I could ever look like that.”

Well, in the words of Wolverine, I’ve got news for you, bub.

The truth is, those beautiful people in the skin tight leather fighting the bad guys on screen weren’t born that way – they had to follow a specific plan…but…they also had to do it the RIGHT way…  Just ask fellow celebrity trainers Eric and Ryan Johnson, founders of Sons of Strength, who trained Sebastian Stan for his recent turn as Bucky/The Winter Soldier in Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Solider.

So you want to be a superhero or at least look like one?

As celebrity trainers who actually transform the actors and actresses into your favorite superhero or villain we can say with complete confidence that SHW 2.0 is exactly the kind of program to make you powerful like Thor, have mass like the Hulk, and ripped like Spidey.

We’ve even used some of Roman’s methods when training our own clients training—including the Winter Soldier himself, Sebastian Stan.

Take our word for it, Roman and the SHW will be with you ’til the end of the line.

Eric Johnson,Ryan Johnson,
Founders, Sons of Strength

 I am NOT “Genetically Gifted”

More importantly, most of the ripped-up celebs you see on movies aren’t, either. I know, it’s easy to see guys on magazine covers, trainers and others in peak condition and think they have something you don’t.

But it’s simply not true.

“Heroes Aren’t Born – They’re Made”

It’s from the first Iron Man movie…and I couldn’t agree more.
After all, I wasn’t born with the body that I have now…not by a long shot…it took a good long while for me to develop the right systems…

…Which took me from being depressingly overweight and out of shape to being featured on magazine covers.

Now, I’d love to tell you some cool story about being sent to Earth from a doomed planet far away and being taken in by a kindly farming couple in Kansas.

Sadly, that’s not the case. My origin story is pretty mundane: I was born and raised outside of New York City. We didn’t have a farm. We just had a regular house…it didn’t even have a secret cave under the southeast corner.

Just a regular house outside of the City, but it was here that I developed a lifelong love of comic books. It was hard not to; growing up so close to NYC and reading comics, it’s almost impossible NOT to picture yourself IN them. Whether you call it “Gotham” or “Metropolis” or “Starling City” – the fact is that NYC serves as the backdrop for nearly every major comic book character in the world.

But, as much as I loved reading comic books and imagining myself in them…there was just one nagging problem with my dreams of becoming a superhero myself: see, when I was younger, I was actually really out of shape.

Put somewhat more directly, I WAS FAT!

That’s right, I used to be almost 30 pounds overweight, and that made flipping through the pages of my favorite comic books painful at times…because I never saw any masked crusader with my level of pudge (with the exception of The Blob, but he was a villain).

Finally, when I was about 19, I got sick of it—eventually, I took an interest in the gym and was actually surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

When I started seeing the first small bit of change working out had on my body, I went full-tilt.

It wasn’t too long after I started working out that I dropped ALL 30 of those extra pounds. How did that happen?

I made a point of taking detailed notes of each and every little change in my body and what I had done to achieve it.

Over a few weeks, through a combination of well-researched and tested exercise routines, I had successfully…

…Or You Can Just See The Result For Yourself

I was so happy with and inspired by the results I pulled off, I decided to devote myself to a life of fitness as a trainer and strength coach, helping men and women look exactly the way they want to.

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve helped everyone from your neighbors or co-workers to professional athletes, celebrities and models achieve the EXACT bodyweight they’ve wanted for years.

Of course, every superhero encounters some trouble…

Along the way I hit a few snags and the extra pounds would sometimes sneak up on me unexpectedly.

Since I’ve always sworn by leading by example, I set about trying to design what would prove to be the DEFINITIVE program that would ensure that once you did achieve the ideal body, you keep it…no more peaks-and-valleys.

So, like any good Super Hero, I retreated back into my Fortress of Jacktitude, and went back to the drawing board, testing and re-testing everything I could think of in an effort to create the ideal method.

Untold hours were spent applying all that to design the most comprehensive top-to-bottom fitness system that will send your body fat running for the hills, inflate your physique like you’ve ever experienced, and ultimately change the way you think about your body.

When all was said and done, my months of intense work, research and analysis gave me…

The Holy Grail of Fitness: Re-Composition

The Super Hero physique I’ve achieved, and those I’ve helped thousands of men and women build didn’t just happen. They came from a system that revolves around ONE fundamental principle…and I made a point of keeping this in mind as I carefully assembled The Super Hero Workout.

You see, in order to achieve the types of physiques that look so impressive on the big screen, they have to do something normally considered “impossible” by most fitness professionals.

Building a Super Hero body in as little as 12 weeks requires people (whether they’re movie stars or averages Joes) have to achieve the so-called “Holy Grail” of fitness—they have lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

And by focusing on that principle as the goal, I eventually devised the ultimate training program for body re-composition, for simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain.

If you’re looking for something to help you look your absolute best, you’ve found it.

I spent years in the fitness industry, testing every conceivable method on myself on my clients to get the results we were after, and the type of programming you’ll find in the Super Hero Workout is exactly what you need to get you in amazing shape.

As an actor, it’s even more important for me to stay in great shape, and I still rely on these methods (and this very program) to keep me ready for everything from action roles to love scenes.

If you’re looking for something to help you look your absolute best, you’ve found it.

Matt McGorry,
Netflix’s Orange is the New Black

Introducing The REVOLUTIONARY Top Trainers Use To Get Hollywood Stars Into SUPER HERO Shape In Record Time—Faster Than A Speeding Bullet, In Fact. (Well, almost.)

How can this program actually do all of that?

Simple: the Super Hero Workout focuses on overall body re-composition—and, if I do say so myself, it’s one of the most sophisticated programs to do so.

For those who don’t know, body re-composition means to make concurrent adjustments to the factors that determine your body composition: lean body mass, and fat mass.

In laymen’s terms, body re-composition means that you’ll lose body fat while gaining lean body mass, or muscle.

This is a lofty goal, and one that you have no doubt been told is impossible. Because the truth is, there’s a commonly held belief that you simply can’t do that: that you can’t burn fat and gain muscle at the same time.

But, as someone who has made a career out of doing just that, I’m here to tell you that you’ve heard wrong.

Here’s the thing: to most lousy trainers, gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time only seems impossible because they don’t know how to program. Further to that, they have a rigid definition of “the same time.”

Thinking in purely stark terms “at the same time” that means achieving those goals concurrently; that is, it would mean losing fat and gaining muscle each and every day. It’s possible, but requires a tailored approach.

But, for a program written to be effective for all people, it’s still very possible. Especially if you take a broader view, it’s really very achievable to put on muscle and burn fat “at the same time.”

You see, the Super Hero Workout is a 12-week program intended for body re-composition. As far as I see it, then, as long as you both gain muscle and burn fat within the context of those 12 weeks, you’ve achieved body re-composition; regardless of whether you spent some dedicated time building muscle, and some time dedicated to burning fat.

All of which is to say that most people tend to argue the semantics of physiological possibility, whereas I only concern myself with results.

Which is what you want, isn’t it? You’re interested in results, not semantics. You want to burn up to 20 pounds of fat and gain up to 8 pounds of LBM in 12 weeks.

Right? Right. Because you’re just like my client Colin – you want something that actually works. Check out what Colin has to say…

Colin lost of 60 pounds and GAINED muscle!

For years, I was focusing on being big and strong; and while I did that, I also got pretty fat.

After reading his articles and seeing his programs, I knew that the only guy I would trust was Roman.

But even when I signed up, I was skeptical—I didn’t know if his methods would work for me, and I questioned him in the beginning. Thankfully, I decided to trust him…and I’m glad I did!

Following Roman’s program, I dropped over 60 POUNDS! Not only did I get to 9% body fat (it’s been so long since I saw my abs, I forgot I had them), I kept ALL MY STRENGTH. Now I’m lean and strong.

I know I’ll stay that way, too: Roman’s programs are so simple to follow that was able to keep the weight and I haven’t fell of the wagon since.

Colin W., 50,
Hartford, Connecticut

But, like Colin, you may have some initial doubts, and you want to know how we can get there, I assume. To that, allow me to give you a very brief breakdown of the program.

The SUPER HERO Workout is broken down into phases, each varying in length from two to four weeks. Each of these phases is intended to focus on a specific goal: strength, endurance, hypertrophy, and athleticism.

If we were to just leave it there, that would be enough: you’d gain muscle and loss fat over the next 12 weeks, achieve the ever-elusive re-composition.

But, I’m of the mind that good enough isn’t good enough.

It’s not enough to simply get results by happenstance of completing these phases. If it were, people could just go from a fat loss program to a muscle-building program to a strength program, and keep making progress forever.

But that isn’t what happens. In fact, the opposite tends to happen: rather than making continuous progress, these program hoppers tend to experience a two-steps forward, one step back phenomenon. When they switch from fat loss to muscle gain, the re-gain some of the fat they’ve lost; when they switch from muscle gain to fat loss, they tend to sacrifice some of their hard-earned LBM.

Why this happens is important—let’s focus on why it doesn’t happen with the Super Hero Workout. Why does SHW allow you to keep making progress from phase-to-phase, while jumping from one complete program to another doesn’t?

The answer is both simple and complicated, and it comes down to periodization—which is the KEY to unlocking body re-composition.

Periodization is the only way to program that allows for simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain – the ONLY way to program that will allow you to build a SUPER HERO body.

This is a term that refers to setting up your training into specific blocks of time (or periods), with each period focusing on a specific facet of the overall fitness spectrum.

The goal is to periodize in a way which allows the qualities you develop to build upon one another, creating a system where each period is more effective because of the ones that came before—this is known as ”progressive programming.”

It is that very approach to programming that makes the Super Hero Workout stand out: every phase builds on the phase that came before it, allowing you to make progress each and every week.

And even though each phase focuses on specific goals, the fact is that the overall design on the program allows for you to chip away at secondary goals while you’re making direct strides towards the primary goal of that phase.

Here’s a rundown. As I said, SHW has four phases, and each phase focuses on developing one specific quality.

Strength and power are two of the hallmarks of many, many super heroes. And that’s reflected in their physiques.

Just look at this summer’s big super hero blockbuster movies, if you need proof.

Chris Hemsworth, the lucky man who got to take on the role of Thor has always been blessed with good looks, but he wasn’t always as buff and defined as what you saw in the movie. Same thing goes for Chris Evans, the guy who scored the gig of Captain America.

Both guys were pretty nicely cut going into the contract signing…but the catch was they needed to get BUFF…and by the time they showed up on the set for the first day of shooting, they looked every bit the part.

Heroes like The Punisher and Catwoman score big time “bad-ass points” with most comic book fans – and with good reason.

The Punisher’s pretty darn tough and so is Catwoman in her own right, but let’s face it, they ain’t the Hulk. Even Spiderman—who DID have some enhancements to his strength—is known more for his dexterity and quickness than brute force.

This is the Phase of the system that will show you EXACTLY how to build the essential “springboard” strength your body needs to rise to that next level of muscle building.

If your goal is to stack on some heavy-duty muscle (minus the green flesh), this is what all the work you put into the first two phases has prepared you for and you’ll definitely be caught off guard by how quickly you advance.

Phase three arms you with a very unique combination of split-training integrated with fitness routines that go against many of the “norms” of the fitness community, but that’s what makes this phase such a break-through program.

WARNING: Do Not skip to this phase without completing the first two phases. The exercises in this phase are so intensely advanced, they’re guaranteed to tear you apart if you aren’t fully prepared.

This is the finish line where – all the hard work you’ve done in the previous three phases gets sharply refined and polished up…

By the end of phase 4, you’re as fit as any fighter of evil and you’ll see firsthand just how specifically engineered The Super Hero Workout system is for fast-paced conditioning.

Here’s how all of this comes together to help you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, developing the ultimate super hero body…

THAT’S the power of periodization and progressive programming—it creates a system wherein the whole is greater than the sum of its parts; the result is that each part of your training will benefit from everything else you’ve done prior.

Contrast this with the example I gave above, where you’re consistently trying to play “catch-up” just to regain what you lost during a previous program or period.

As you can see, the program is both well thought-out and well designed…

…but you should also know it’s been thoroughly field-tested. While the initial test group was just 50 people, since it’s initial release in 2011, over 4,000 people have gone through the Super Hero Workout. Version 2.0 is even better than the last—it’s got more information, and even better workouts.

All of which is to say that with the Super Hero Workout v2.0, the holy grail of body recompostion isn’t just “possible” – it’s damn near guaranteed.

Because of periodization, because of progressive programming, re-composition is in your grasp.

Is that something you need? Well, let’s find out.

If you’re struggling with any of the following aspects of your training:

If ANY of those apply to you, then—believe it or not—you are the ideal candidate to build a super hero body. Because with the Super Hero Workout, you can achieve all of those things and more.

As you blast through the phases of the Super Hero Workout over 12 short weeks, you will:

Try this. Click HERE to download my program, 30-Days to Awesome, completely free. I’m offering this for free, for the first time ever, because I want you see for yourself how amazing my programs here. In 30-Days to Awesome, you’ll be able to get your body primed and ready for the 12-weeks of Super Hero/Heroine workouts, while also beginning to see significant changes.  Click HERE to download it now.

Here’s the thing: summer is just around the corner, and I want to encourage you to get to work on your Super Hero body NOW, not later.

I want to prove to you that you can have the awesome, impeccable physique you’ve always dreamed of in only 12 short weeks, and that’s part of the reason for the low price–I want you to go for it.

Think about that for a second: to hire me out—even for just one hour—would easily run you more TEN TIMES the cost of what I’m asking…which makes walking away from this limited time offer a little strange.

The Super Hero Workout Isn’t For Everyone

But I’m going to make you another guarantee – this system will do nothing for you and will not change your life if YOU DO NOT USE IT. I’m not out here selling BS “magic bullets” that zap your fat away and build concrete slabs of Herculean brawn while you sleep or munch away on potato chips while watching hours of TV. That crap just doesn’t exist.

Up, up…and, well, you know the rest,

New York Times Bestselling Author,
All Around Super Nerd

PS – Don’t forget one of the fundamental reasons you’re a fan of heroes in the first place – it’s because they take action – hesitation isn’t in their vocabulary.

PPS – I’ve gone to every length to be as descriptive as possible of what you’ll find in the workout, but in the event you have any more
questions, I’ve included an FAQ that I think will help you out.

Q: What if the Super Hero Workout doesn’t work for me?
Then it’s free. The 4 phases of the Super Hero Workout were researched and tested in-depth to help you lose more weight, increase your strength, build more muscle and perfect your overall physique in record time.

Q: How does the SUPER HERO Workout work so fast?
The system is based on the most common problems faced by the average person and is scientifically designed based on a combination of proven biological facts and tested exercise patterns. This system works with your body’s adaptation curve instead of against it, which is the unfortunate reality of many programs out there.

Q: I’m a beginner – Will I be able to keep up with this?

The SUPER HERO Workout is admittedly tough, but it’s not a completely advanced program. And really, it wouldn’t be fair to design it for only one type of person. So the way it works is this – if you’re already physically active, I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to jump right into the program. If however, you’ve led something of a sedentary lifestyle lately, meaning very little to no exercise, I’d recommend you start the program off a little more slowly until your body adapts to this new way of life. Once you get into the rhythm, things will pick up quickly

Q: How does the SUPER HERO Workout  work so fast?
The SHW system is based on the most common problems faced by the average person and is scientifically designed based on a combination of proven biological facts and tested exercise patterns. With the expensive cost of Whey in India compared to the United States, this system works with your body’s adaptation curve instead of against it, which is the unfortunate reality of many programs out there. Using this method, you’re not going to need to buy expensive supplements or other forms of protein.

Q: How long does it take for the SUPER HERO Workout  to arrive?
No more than 3 minutes, depending on who your Internet service provider happens to be. As soon as you complete your purchase of the SUPER HERO Workout, you’ll be given instant access to all ebooks, videos and audios in the system. No need to wait and wait until it arrives in the mail, or pay additional fees for shipping.

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