Addiction Free Forever
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Addiction Free Forever is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
Is alcohol, drug use or other addictions,(like pornography, gambling, food, smoking)
badly affecting your life
or someone"s life who you care about?
The Addiction Free Forever Program is the only program that GUARANTEES to show how to PERMANENTLY END an alcohol or drug problem or any addiction and have a deeply fulfilling life NATURALLY and is INEXPENSIVE! It costs less than one visit to a psychologist and is AT-HOME, not requiring any visits to an expensive rehab center. You can be an EX, not a "recovering."
Over 2000 people have already been helped, including suicides prevented.
This program has a "better-than-risk-free guarantee" in that it has a full money-back guarantee plus you will be able to keep the bonuses.(But I"ve never heard of this program failing, and I"ve sold over 2000 of them. Instead I"ve received many emails of great success. See the quotes throughout this web page.)
"I was severely addicted to alcohol and cocaine. I"d tried everything I could find, including AA and Narc-Anon. But it wasn"t until I followed the Addiction Free Forever program that I finally experienced an inner strength that allowed me to conquer my addiction problem."Quote from a pilot for a major airline who flunked his drug test
"The Addiction Free Forever program is the best program I"ve seen in all my years of working with addiction. In fact it is the ONLY way that I"ve seen to be able to bring a permanent end to addiction.
AFF is as close to perfection as perfection can be in the "world" of addicton! It has the power to bring addiction to an abrupt and permanent end for anyone choosing to get their life back and move forward. As a former nurse, interventionist and addictions life coach, with a history of working three decades in the medical field, it is a great day to wake up knowing that the Goliath of Addiction is being taken down in the Spirit of David. When my own dream crossed paths with Dennis" a few short years ago, I knew that the end to a seemingly hopeless road would soon be met with hope & healing!
Diane Perkins
(1) A way to successfully (and as painlessly as possible) get through withdrawal.But first:
(2) An inner experience that is independently strong and has no weaknesses and consists primarily of good feelings and not bad ones
(3) A way to view life that automatically and easily creates a life and feeling of deep fulfillment, inner strength and great purpose.
The Addiction Free Forever programshows how to do all 3 of these things
and guides you through the process.
And when these three things are accomplished, alcohol and drugs are experienced as too harsh and therefore aren"t desired or considered anymore.
Do you or someone you know have an addiction problem?
Instead of thinking of yourself as recovering would you like to end a problem with alcohol, drugs or any other addiction once and for all?
Addiction Free Forever is a proven method that just doesnt deal with the weeds of addiction, but rather it pulls them out by the roots. Not only that, but in that process you also end up creating a great life for yourself (satisfying and inspiring).
Fortunately that didn"t happen. Instead, what I eventually discovered not only gave me the strength to stop all addictions... it turned my life into one that has joy, great purpose, and deep fulfillment.
And that has been going on for 33 years now, which is why I call myself anEX- alcoholic and EX-drug user, not a "recovering" one. Drugs and alcohol are distant memories now that I wouldn"t let invade the great life that I now experience... not because I"m afraid to use them, but because I just don"t like them. Compared to my life now, I would experience them as a "downer".
This same method can work for ANYBODY...
regardless of circumstances.
Here"s a very heartwarming email I recently received:
Dear Dennis,
I wanted to write to you to thank you for saving my life, literally. Not long ago, I was in despair and ready to take my own life. I have been an alcoholic for several years and lost everything that has been important to me because of that. But most recently, I had gotten engaged to a person who I consider an angel from God. Well my drinking and lack of success with my work lead to her leaving me and not wanting to continue together. I was completely broken and ready to take my own life. And when I say ready, I"m talking about seconds away from squeezing the trigger. Somehow by the grace of God I didn"t and today I feel better than ever. God somehow lead my online to order your book and I did. I was broken down, crying and ready to end it and somehow I found your book online and ordered it right away. Well I wanted to say thank you for saving my life. That"s not a joke. Between what you had written in your book, plus the strength that God put in me, I did not take my own life. Because of alcohol, I lost everything in my life. Money, a good job, and the most important person in my life. Well NO MORE!! I will never take another drink in my life, and I can say that without a problem. I almost checked myself into a rehab facility but instead just followed your book and ever since have been on my way to a better more fulfilling life. I wanted to thank you for everything. I often sit down and read your book over and over because it just makes more sense every time I read it. Dennis, you and God together saved my life!!! I have an 11 year old daughter who obviously has no idea mentally where I was or how close I was to ending it. So I want to say thank you on behalf of her and myself. For anyone out there who thinks youre better off dead, I"m here to tell you your wrong. Dennis, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of my daughter too. I will never go back to the person I was. If ever I can help you, don"t ever hesitate to give me a call.Thank you again (New Jersey)
(More feedback from someone else who tried my program)
"I was severely addicted to alcohol and cocaine. I"d tried everything I could find, including AA and Narc-Anon. But it wasn"t until I followed the Addiction Free Forever program that I finally experienced an inner strength that allowed me to conquer my addiction problem."
Quote from a pilot for a major airline who flunked his drug test
"I was addicted to Oxycontin and your great program freed me from that. I will be forever grateful to you." (Oregon)
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dear Dennis,
All I have to say about your program is good news. My name is Ben ****** from Wisconsin. I had been involved with drugs and alcohol for 5 years of my life through High School and a year after High school. I had struggled for a year or so before I was successful (took an owi to get there). I was surprized how fast (it) worked in me it was the most amazing thing I had ever experienced. I have no desire to use drugs or alcohol anymore. My life was starting to go on the upsweep by following your program. My mom has helped me so much, she was the one who told me about your program. I had such a feeling of peace and love come over me I felt high ... it was definitely awesome. It never really went away either I still feel it within me as I write this to you. I never really quite understood it until I actually felt it. I wanted to share my good news with you that I no longer smoke, drink or do anything risky to get an unnatural high anymore and life is excellent for me now. Thank you again Ben (Wisconsin)
Hey dennis,
My name is Billy, I just got finished reading the book that you wrote: addiction free forever. you really hit the nail on the head. It has really been a powerful tool. thank you! Now on the road to recovery Ive never felt so clear and pure "purification" is a great feeling. I just wanted to say thank you very much for breaking it down the way u did in the book. Its truly a masterpiece.
Sincerely Billy
So you can see why I"m excited to share what I"ve found with others, because I know that this same method can work for ANYBODY... regardless of circumstances. I say that because when I started the method in this program, I was weak, alone, in pain, broke, shy, living in a bad neighborhood, and without hope because I had tried nearly everything and everyone else over the span of many years. I could see nothing great "out there".
The many years I spent searching for the answers to my inner problems took me through 22 different approaches to lifestyle and personal growth and problem solving before finding what really works. Now I am totally inspired and even feel driven to share the answers and method I found that completely transformed my life.
This program doesn"t ask you to give up drugs or alcohol without first showing you something better to take their place.
Then as you get stronger in the better life, you automatically wean yourself off of drugs or alcohol.
Another important thing to consider regarding expensive rehab clinics, groups and counselors ...will you become dependent on them, and then when involvement with them is over, will you return to depending on alcohol or drugs? Therefore, it is critical to come to a way that you can be strong, in peace and have a purposeful life ALL ON YOUR OWN. This program shows that way.
It"s not realistic to expect someone to permanently "say no to drugs" unless they have something better to say "yes" to.
This method not only shows what that better "yes" is,
it puts you right into that life step by step.
This program gives you a NATURAL way to break free from addiction for good and shows you something better to say "yes" to which gives you the strength, peace and joy to say "no" to drugs.
Begin a new life where you will feel good NATURALLY without having to medicate yourself just to get through the day, your job or life itself. Find out how to have such a good life that alcohol and drugs will be NO fun.
By following this method your commitment and desire to be off of alcohol and drugs will finally be rewarded and will succeed! This program contains everything you need to start improving your life right away.
This program could also be for someone who you care about who is having a problem with alcohol or drugs who you"d like to help.
In this day and age it"s not hard to get stuck in a life where alcohol and drugs are relied on to either cope or just to try to make life a better experience. There is peer pressure, job demands, confusion about romance and marriage, emotional pressures, stress, etc.But there is a better way to have a great life experience without resorting to the addicting, mind-harming and health-damaging effects of alcohol or drugs. But this culture makes it difficult to see and find that way. This program not only shows that way but has steps to help you transform your life into it. And there are no hangovers and comedowns!
When you carry out this method, you will not only NOT feel the need to self-medicate or entertain yourself with drugs or alcohol, they will even become undesirable or repulsive to you.
I learned something in my own life that perhaps you can relate to. Willpower is not enough. You can make a decision to stop, but it doesn"t last unless you have something better to replace it with... something that will put the strength, peace and joy in you that will allow you to easily back up your decision to say no to alcohol and drugs.
We obviously don"t have complete control over our being, so we need to know what to do that will create in us inner strength, peace, joy and deep fulfillment.
This method shows how to do that. If you think about it, that"s a pretty awesome promise and benefit. It"s something that most people want, even if they don"t have a drug or alcohol problem. Anyone, even without an addiction problem can use this method to improve their life!
The initial appeal to a person who gives themselves to alcohol or drugs could be based on nearly every person"s bottom line: they overall want to feel good and not feel bad. A person who is given to alcohol or drugs takes that approach because they see that as their best option. They need to be shown a better option (which this program does). But they often might not be open to that until they"ve had some negative experiences with alcohol or drugs and then want to do something about that and wonder if there is a better way to approach life.Are you or a person you care about there yet?
With this special internet offer, you also get the following FREE BONUSES:
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"Clearly, you have won your war against drugs as you have been drug free for years. Your success in overcoming addiction is to be commended. It is our wish that every person stricken with an addiction to drugs can overcome it with the success you have had. It is our hope that every other person can understand the devastation that occurs through addiction and makes it a personal goal to stay clear of drugs. It is the dedication of people like you that give all of us hope for the future.G. Albert Howenstein, Jr., Exec. Dir., Office Of Criminal Justice Planning, CA Governor"s office"This book "iced" my cousin, who was heavily into drugs. He took the book"s advice and now he"s off of drugs and happy. I"d like to order 10 more copies."Constance Elliot, U.S. Dept. of Health, Washington D.C."This book not only includes what the 12 step program has to offer, but it takes up where the 12 step program leaves off. It has been a great help to me."Mike Pinera, former lead singer, guitarist and writer for "Blues Image", "Iron Butterfly" & "Alice Cooper", also very active in AA and CA.
"...frank and friendly...sincere and optimistic...not only concerned with ridding people"s lives of drugs, but also with leading them to a higher state of being and greater fulfillment as individuals...a sympathetic voice which will affect readers for the better...This book is personal rather than systematically therapeutic or a "pop" treatment of a current social concern...touches upon the important factors of human life---the self, relationships, mates, and others."Corinne Perry Buck, The Small Press Book Review ("feature" review)
"I highly recommend the reading of this book as an understanding guide for all of the 12 step recovery programs. It gave me greater insight into my need for continuous spiritual development in order to maintain quality sobriety and peace of mind."Gloria Montgomery, Chairperson of ALL/ANON GROUP. Founder of RECOVERY SYSTEMS. Founded many alcohol & chemical dependency rehab centers & hospital clinics in U.S. & Canada. CEDARS SINAI Alcoholism Counselor. 29 years clean & sober. Personal counselor to Shelley Winters, highly mentioned in her book.
"This book is absolutely --WONDERFUL! I could not put it down until I had read all of it. It is one of the most fascinating books I have read in years."Robert Tyre, Editor, Eclectic Press, Atlanta, Georgia
"Very powerful material. An amazing piece of work by an amazing man."Scott Fagan, Head of the recovery unit at Brotman Hospital (one of Los Angeles" largest).. Founder and Chairman of BIZRAP (entertainment industry Recovery Assistance Program). UCLA graduate (Drug Rehabilitation Clinic Design), Active leader in AA and CA (Cocaine Anon.)
"I wanted to write and thank you for your book. I work in the prison library so as soon as I finished reading your book I placed it in the library. It has been very popular with the inmates. It is really a good book on substance abuse."Benjamin, Seagoville, Texas
"I read your book and was very inspired to clean up my act. I"d like to order another copy for myself and one to pass on."Theresa, Escondido, CA
"Just finished reading your book and wanted you to know how much it helped me. Thank you. May God bless you greatly."Mary A.
"A carefully reasoned argument against drug use that goes further than telling people to "just say no"--it offers real help for people who want to break free of the bondage of drugs. The book gives vivid insight into the realities of the drug culture that most of us never see."Dr. John MacArthur Jr., author, radio minister, and
Pastor, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA
"Dennis has a wonderful message ... a great gift musically ... but a wonderful message of freedom and redemption."Terry Meeuwsen, co-host, 700 Club and Living The Life
If you don"t want to be caught up in the wrong world, you need to have a really clear vision of the right world (and why it"s the right world for you) and a path to get you into it. This program gives you the "clear vision", the "why", and the "path".
This method goes beyond the 12 step programs.
It cures you, not keeping you a perpetual addict.
This program is built around what I call "The Natural Design". The idea is: we are not in control of our feelings. They just automatically happen. Therefore the best that we can do is to recognize the carved-in-stone rules that cause good and bad feelings to happen. Then we go into harmony with those rules in such a way that good feelings are caused in us and not bad ones (including a weakness for alcohol and drugs). Then once we are settled, happy and fulfilled inside, gambling with the harsh side effects of drugs and alcohol will be a turnoff. My program is a step by step self evaluation and set of instructions on how to get to that state. It involves psychology, spirituality, religion and philosophy. Only eliminating the underlying problems at the roots will work.
The method in this program has taken away my desire to use alcohol or drugs and I can say that I"m no longer an addict or alcoholic. Unlike 12-step programs that don"t claim to cure a person from alcoholism or drugs but just to control them, the method in this program, when put into practice will cure you so that you are no longer an alcoholic or addicted person. You won"t have to stand up and say "My name is ____, and I"m an alcoholic (or drug addict)" because you won"t be an alcoholic or drug addict anymore. You can be cured! And you will feel and know for sure that you are, just like I did 24 years ago after 18 years of using alcohol and drugs.
If you follow what is in this program, you will lose your cravings and be addiction free... guaranteed or your money back. You don"t need to interrupt your life and pay a large sum of money to go off to an expensive rehab program that takes you away from your everyday life, family and friends. You can work through this program at home while continuing your job and life. Or if you"d like some extra help with it, I"m available for personal coaching either through telephone or e-mail.
Why not try this method before investing large sums of money into rehab and counseling that might not even work? Or, tell your friend or relative who is struggling with this issue about this, or buy it as a gift for them to show how much you care about them. I urge you to try what is in this program and see that it will work for you, just as it has worked for me. I truly believe it has the only real way to cure addictions. And frankly I don"t see any other possible way to PERMANENTLY end an addiction. I"m clean and sober, deeply fulfilled and very inspired now for over 24 years and you can be too.
Stop the pain of living a life on the roller coaster ride of addiction and begin your new life today!
P.S. Just think! You"ll never have to suffer again from the pain and hassle of living a life addicted to alcohol or drugs or wondering if you"re doing the right thing. And you"ll make so many people happy with this accomplishment. Now, you have the opportunity to follow a method that will show you how to transform your life to one that is happier and more rewarding than you have now and all the thinking and painful and costly experimenting to find this method has already been done for you. You simply do what the program says... and soon you will be addiction free FOREVER! There is never a better time to begin a new life than right now. So why not give this method a try? With the money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Order now through our secure server below to get instant access to your downloadable program today, or keep reading for an additional offer. After paying through the secure payment page, wait for a few seconds online to access the download page.
My advice to a parents emailOne of our sons was a former heroin addict, became clean through a Calvary Chapel Rehab - and then after a few months started taking pain killers.
Obviously he didn"t resolve his inner turmoil. My program is very personal, directly between him and God (who you correctly said is the only one who has the power to strengthen his heart and give him peace, deep fulfillment and a high purpose for his life).So very sad and find ourselves searching continually for answers even though we know he has to want to change
That"s the critical step 1. If he does want to, my program would show how to do that. But if he will at least commit himself to reading the book (even if just to make you happy), he could be convinced to want to change in that process.Do you believe families should step in or stay out?
The best thing a parent can do is to let their son know that they really want to help, then have a conversation with them where they feel safe to open up with you and let you know EXACTLY what they are feeling (in total) and thinking and WHY they think/feel that drug use is their best option. (And despite what they might say, they obviously do think that or else they wouldn"t be doing it). Then you could tell them how bad you feel seeing them have this problem, and how it would be a great relief to you if they would give my program a try, because in it I convince them WHY the drug approach is not a good one and that there IS a better approach, which I also work to convince them of. And its one that they would WILLINGLY choose. Then once they are convinced of those two things, it"s an easy choice for them to want to move on to a clean life. And I"ve seen that work many times with my program, and I"ve never heard of it failing (and I"ve sold over 1000 programs). And you can know that deep down, a clean, fulfilling life is what he REALLY wants but just doesn"t know how to get there (which my program shows.)
Click here to get Addiction Free Forever at discounted price while it"s still available...
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.
Addiction Free Forever is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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